Rain is depressing

So the much needed, appreciated and desirable rain is depressing the hell out of me. Stuck inside, can’t go swimming at the creek, can’t do much of anything other than read the incoming e-mail and worry about stupid design problems, nope, I don’t like the rain very much although, I have to admit, it’s nice seeing the river creep up on its banks.

So most of AOL’s users are not 1999 compliant. That really bites. What I could do is bounce all 3.0 browsers straight to the order form.

Had lunch with a Leo, makes it easy, Leo waitress, Leo client, “Hey, Leo, it’s my favorite sign.” A roll of the eyes. More rain.

Tuesday evening, as the darkness began to encroach, me and Bubba got back from a light walk and dinner. He was dealing out a lot of verbal abuse, heaping one insult upon another until he realized that yes, I was going to get some bacon on my vegetarian sandwich. Please.

Coming home along Riverside, aptly names because a portion of it does cut close to the river’s side, he noticed a house floating in the flotsam and jetsam layered on the surface of the river. Made for an interesting photo opportunity, and all he could make out in the waning evening light was “club house rules” on the side.

Looking at the stuff floating, mostly organic debris, but a stray paddleboat as a well, I couldn’t help but think about scenes from two books about a river. \\The Rift\\ [Jon Williams> and \\Huckleberry Finn\\ [Mark Twain>.

Likewise, working on web page code, berating fools for not having a 1999 compliant browser software, that’s like watching so much stuff just float by.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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