Feast Day of St. Cassian Patron Saint of teachers

Feast Day of St. Cassian Patron Saint of teachers

But I’m not sure what the point is that I’m trying to teach. Or be taught. Other than I need to make sure I have the right ticket in hand when I go the airport. That much I do know. Or that maybe I should write down my new post office box number in a place where I won’t forget it.

When I packed up for the El Paso trip, I had a sneaking suspicion that I’d left one of my pocketknives in the suitcase someplace. Last Saturday morning, in my haste, I completely forgot about that knife. I had, earlier, looked for it, and I had been unable to find it, buried in there with batteries and empty cassettes, flyers, business cards, batteries, power adaptors, extension cords, all that crap I carry when I work.

Sunday morning, as I was throwing everything back in the bag, waiting on a ride to the truck stop, I found that knife. Understand that I was frantic, and breathing easy because when I approached the metal detector at the security gate, I knew that I had an ankle chain, a very thin chain around my neck, and no other metal on me whatsoever. And I knew that my computer bag had just that, a computer and not much else. Plus, I knew that my suitcase had just show stuff and a change of clothes. I breezed right through, and walked onto the plane with the right coupon, with at least three or four minutes to spare.

I remember talking to some other passengers who were complaining about being searched a second time, “How do they pick the folks for the second search? Is it really arbitrary?”

I allowed as how I had one observation, the folks who gave the counter staff any lip or bad attitude always seemed to be searched a second time. Be nice. Being nice takes a lot less effort than being mean. Usually works for me.

Worked, by accident, on Saturday morning. I suppose that’s my good karma from always trying to be early.

So Monday afternoon, I was standing in the downtown postal annex, trying to figure out which P.O. box was mine. I knew the four digits, I just couldn’t remember the proper order. I knew there was a 4, 5, 1, & 6, but I couldn’t remember the correct order. I tried several boxes until I finally did hit the right combination. I wasn’t expecting anything in it, I mean, I’ve had this new box number for all of about a week now. But Monday was one of those days when my butt was dragging in the dirt, and I figured I’d better try the new box, just to see if I could remember its number. From downtown, I swung on home via Barton Creek. Ran into a [non-redhead> Capricorn on the trail. Exchanged gossip. Got wet with creek water. Came home to meet another Capricorn and Libra. Busy day, considering I wasn’t doing anything.

If that patron saint is going to teach me anything, I hope I remember what my new box number is. I had some other point to make, but I forgot what it was.

Kramer Wetzel
P.O.Box 684516
Austin, TX 78768-4516

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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