For the Week of 8/22-28/2002

“Young men’s love then lies
Not truly in their hearts but in their eyes.”

    Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet [II.iii.63-4]

Aries: I should lecture you about work. I should stress the importance of getting certain goals achieved. I should be going on and on about this or that at the workplace. Yet, as I carefully examined the chart for your upcoming few days, I couldn’t help but get that silly grin that indicates there is something afoot, and this something is less about work, and more about extracurricular activities. So, while I should be talking about earning potential and revenue streams and boring stuff like that, I’m going to skip it all and suggest that whatever non-work-related activities you’ve got going, those are the plans that deserve your full attention. What I’ve discovered, is that work will hold while the other stuff, it’s best to grab it while you can. If you’re planning on e-mailing me, it might take a while for me to get around an answer because I’m with you on this extracurricular activity at this point. Work? It can wait, now is a good time for some fun.

Taurus: A perfect Saturday for me usually involves some fishing, one way or another. I want you to have a perfect weekend, and I’m not sure that fishing is always high on your list. But you’re still looking for something, and as much as I would like to deliver this to you, I can’t promise that you have a big, old “hawg” of a bass on the end of your line by midmorning on Saturday. However, I can suggest that something is going to wind up on the end of your fishing line, real or metaphorical, by the end of the weekend. I just hope that it’s something you really were trying to catch. One of the biggest problems I encounter is that I usually manage to snag a lot of dead branches, a tree stump or two, and maybe some aquatic weeds before I get around to actually catching fish. Your first cast, that first line you sail out to try and catch something, that might not work quite right. Don’t be dissuaded. Might take a few tries, but you’re bound to come up with something before too long. It’s not, like, a really a good time for some people, but with each try, you’ll find yourself closer and closer to your objective.

Gemini: In the Gemini world, somethings are just stranger than others. You’re getting a boost, a lift, a helping hand, from some rather unexpected quarters now. A former rival, an ex-enemy, someone you were just sure was out to do you wrong is back. Only, now this particular entity is suggesting that he’s [“she’s”?] here to help. I know you could use a helping hand at this point, Just about anything could be useful. With so much bad water under the bridge, though, are you really willing to trust this particular person? With its usual lightening speed, your Gemini brain runs down a number of possibilities, one of which isn’t too good. I can’t suggest that you trust this person completely, but you know, if you look at the scenario, it really does appear that former rival is out to help you. Now, I hate to be less hopeful, but make sure you check out what the motivating forces are. Is this to your advantage to ally yourself with this person? And what’s in it for him? Before you jump all over this proffered aid, make sure that you understand what all the liabilities and conditions are. Still, it might just offer some help when you need it the most.

Cancer: This almost last weekend of August, it’s sort of a strange period. There’s a sense that it’s time to get out and play some. Now, around here, it’s really been too hot for decent fishing. About the only way to catch anything is to get up extra early, and get out on the lake long before the sun comes up. It’s almost like night fishing, not quite — but close enough so that day becomes night and night becomes day, and your little internal clock gets all twisted around. Owing to the strong Hispanic Heritage in Texas, the concept of a mid-aftenoon nap is strong. Beat the heat, split your day up some. Makes for a much more enjoyable evening, when things are supposedly cooling off. My Cancer friend here in Shady Acres can usually be found enjoying herself, sitting in a lawn chair, in front of her trailer, cool beverage in her hand, doing a bit of “holding forth.” That “holding forth” is a sociable activity, and given the right amount of lubricant, it can be quite entertaining as well. Ice tea, iced coffee, or some other, slightly stronger libation seems to serve well as just such a grease, a little something to loosen up the jaws, get the mental, emotional and motor skills running. Take some time, after that nap, to enjoy some of the evening’s coolness — you’ll find that you are naturally the center of much attention.

Leo: I was at the swimming hole, just last week, I mean, it’s summer in Texas, where else would you be? The clear [cold] water was up to my chin as I was trying to cool off some, trying to escape the heat generated by both the summer’s sun, and the hot planet combination in Leo, Mr. Sun himself and Mr. Mars. The best place I’ve found to stand in said swimming hole is close to the diving board, the water is about five feet deep. Works great for me. I was watching as a line of kids — all ages really — were all being held up by one, sole figure on the board. It was little girl, I’m guessing around four or five years old, and her parental unit was the edge, urging her forward. The crowd even got into the act, cheering her onward. She was such a diminutive lass, from her perspective, that water was as far away as she was tall, maybe more more so. “Just jump,” was the universal feeling, “it’ll be okay.” She backed off the board, that first time. Know that feeling? It looks too scary, too high, the water’s too cold, and what parental unit is going to be coercing a child in such a situation? Mars plus Old Sol himself, are like that. Sort of forcing you out to the edge. It’s just matter of going ahead and jumping. Look on the bright side, everyone’s cheering for you.

Virgo: I was fishing for the right metaphor, and I took a little walk around the lake here. It’s not so much a lake, as a river that runs through town. Yes, I have a secret fishing spot, and yes, I stopped to chat with one feller working his way along that spot. He was using five cane poles, little red and white bobbers on the end. He was also intently watching one of the bobbers. Concentrating, willing that fish to take the bait. Problem is, do the math, that means there were four unwatched lines in the water, presumably with a hook, line and sinker on each one. Looked like he was using worms for bait, too. One of the unwatched bobbers bobbed once, then twice, then it was still again. I hate to be an obnoxious observer, but I pointed that out to the other fisherman. Okay, the message is simple. You’re Virgo, you have five lines in the water. Doesn’t matter which one you think will be hit, it’s the other one that gets the strike. Instead of concentrating on just one of the five, keep a wary Virgo eye on all five. Keep scanning your option. Trying to concentrate on just one doesn’t work. Those fish always pick the one you’re least likely to be watching. And happy birthday to those special, early Virgo types.

Libra: On the big lake here, there’s a “party barge” that heads out in the summer evenings. It can be rented for corporate parties, birthdays, that sort of thing. I think the foods’ a little suspect, and I don’t really think it’s that amusing to join 40 or 50 of my closest friends, wallowing around the lake on boat that looks like an antique sternwheeler. Not my idea of fun. I’d much rather be on a flat-bottomed bass boat with a high horsepower motor, capable of delivering its payload at a rapid velocity to far corners of the lake. I just can’t imagine dragging a fishing line behind that party barge. So there I was, stuck on the bog boat, hired out as entertainment for a big gig, and I took a break from readings to socialize with the guest. Then, from the starboard side, I noticed a little inlet, nice flats on the down river side, and I thought to myself, “What a good place to fish. Never seen it before.” So that’s what’s going to happen. You’re in one place, supposedly for a party, and you notice something else. Make a mental note. It will be worthwhile to come back and explore this option a little later. Might even yield up some good fishing, never can tell until you try. Opportunities come from the strangest of places.

Scorpio: There’s a common misconception that I unfairly, and with premeditated malice, attack Scorpio. One: I’m not that stupid. Two: a little sarcasm goes a long way in making this more palatable for both of us. Three: humor is in very short supply, especially in your little Scorpio slice of the sky. It’s not me. It’s not my brand of astrology. It is Mars, the planet that was, for more than a millennium, the ruler of Scorpio. Yes, we’re back to that. Mars is a problem. Big one. Or, it’s only as a big of problem as you want it to be. Or, it’s only as a big of problem as you let it be. It’s not so much “bad,” as it’s responsible for difficult interactions. It’s like this: you’re talking to a buddy, sitting in a fishing boat, in the middle of the lake, and he’s got an opposing viewpoint from yours. He’s pretty clearly wrong, driven by misguided ideals, misconception, and obvious flaws in logic. You can see this, but getting your point across is going to be a test. I know you’re right, but when you’re stuck in the middle of the lake with a buddy, there’s not much you can do about it, now is there? Here’s a hint, for dealing with scenario: let him have his say. don’t get mad. Listen to his points, carefully turn the concepts over in your own mind, and keep your mouth shut. Some fights aren’t worth the effort. No reason to have two guys, stuck in a boat, in the middle of the lake, mad at each other.

Sagittarius: It’s supposed to be good. Supposed to be great, but there’s always that thing going in the back of the Sagittarius brain, that little reminder that something’s amiss here. Last week, I was supposed to go to party, but in the shuffle, somehow I missed the event. When someone called me a couple of days later, at first I was crestfallen that I missed what promised to be a wild and raucous time. However, as I listened on the phone, first it was “then she took her shirt and bra off,” and “they were dancing outside,” and then it was that fateful line, “when the police got there….” Okay, so I missed the fun. When I was younger, I figured it wasn’t a good celebration unless the cops showed up. But in my retiring years, I’ve found that to be a less amusing scenario. Maybe you’re missing the party right now. Maybe you’re missing the part where folks take their clothes off. But then again, some of those bodies look better with clothing. And that part about the cops showing up? I’m one a first name basis with enough authority figures who wear uniforms as it is. Don’t need any new friends wearing riot gear. So that “thing” that you keep feeling like you’re missing? Maybe you shouldn’t worry about.

Capricorn: Hey you, Capricorn. Pay attention to that quote from Shake’s R&J. Took me a couple of tries to get it right, and even then, I’m not sure I can use this one out of context. [Yes, I rehearse all my opening quotes; such actions amuse the cat, my erstwhile editor and audience.] Anyway, realize what part of your anatomy you’re using for making certain decisions. I was going to change the text up a little, to fit me better, “Young men love then lie,” was more my idea, but that’s not the way it really is. There’s a hot time, not so much as guaranteed, but as a definite possibility, right here, right now. The point that’s important, as the next couple of days march forward, the critical thing for yourself, is to be in the present. It’s good, but in order to get the good stuff, you have to show up. This is like fishing, if you don’t toss a lure into the water, you’re not going to catch any fish. As much as my personal mythology occasionally involves a scene where fish jump into the boat, that’s not likely. You have to do something to get the ball rolling. Wet your hook, dress up and show up, just do something to get it “out there.” Shoot, showing up and being aware is about 90% of what is required from you.

Aquarius: Wild weekend, calm next week. That’s easy. Want details? I always remember what one teacher used to say to me, altogether too frequently, “Mr. Wetzel, see me after class.” I could rise to the challenge and usually concoct some sort of good story, full of dubious details, and explain about extenuating circumstances that made my excuses ever so much more plausible. While this next few days is sort of full of activity, you might start looking for excuses you can use next week. I don;’t remember the exact details, but it’s already time for the first or second harvest of the summer’s crops around here. Means the grain silos are starting to fill up, or they are supposed to be. if you need excuses, a good farm excuse usually works, at least where I’m from, it does. “I would love to help you with your problems right now, but we’re running that John Deere from sunup to sundown right now, and I really don’t have a lot of time….” See how that works?

Pisces: Virgo starts to unfold pretty soon. If you know anything about other signs, then you understand just exactly what Virgo energy is. Good stuff, when in the hands of an expert. Tough stuff, when in the hands of amateur. Now then which one are you? Virgo Expert like myself? Or are you one of the folks who doesn’t quite understand what a Virgo is all about? Let’s be fair: I’m not talking about a specific Virgo, I’m addressing a thing called “Virgo-type energy.” You got it by the bucketful, all over the Pisces chart. Now, you can do one of two things, and this is meant as no disrespect to our fine Virgo brethren and sistern, but you ever notice how one of them Virgo-types can obsess about a problem? Worry it to death? Get so wrapped up in the details that the real problem slips out the side door? That’s what I’m trying to prevent you from doing, getting so caught up in looking at one detail that you miss the big picture. Starting this weekend, you might look for the larger scope in things. Events, people, places, don’t worry the details. And like one of my Leo friends always admonishes me, “Don’t sweat the petty thing, and don’t pet the sweaty things.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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