Tuesday’s plan [Caution: slow dip>

Tuesday’s plan [Caution: slow dip>

1> Get caught up on scopes 2> Post Office, mail off some eBay stuff 3> Barton Spring/Creek for a dunk in the water 4> BBQ 5> Nap

What actually happened. Didn’t start out well. Recently, I’d dropped a lot of my Unsolicited Commercial E-mail blocks, and that resulted in a flood of spam. I put a few of the mail blocks back in place, and a couple of the more serious offenders were getting the mail bounced back to them as “undeliverable.” Problem being, then they bounce the message back to my server and then my server bounces it back to them, and I suppose it becomes a nasty loop. My problem is that it ties up \\my\\ mail gateway. Slows down that instantaneous mail delivery that I get used.

So spam screwed up the morning, then wandering around Texas close to noon, I was just melting from the heat. And there was a huge line of people at the post office. Me, smelling like salted pork in the barnyard, and guess what? Some babe is standing next to me. Forget trying to make a good impression.

The postal guy joked with me about the names of places in Texas, and he allowed as his dad’s friend used to own a place called “Pete’s” in… never mind, long story.

I did go the creek and the water was down a little, but it was so strange, it was the clearest I’ve seen it in over two months. Dripping wet, reeking of creek water, I wandered into Green Mesquite and had myself the Tuesday Special, two-meat plate. I was about to pay up and leave when I noticed familiar figure at the counter, “Kramer! How are you!” [Leo> So I bought her a beer and we agreed to get together sometime next week – she \\owes\\ me a big favor, and I finally get to collect [truth is, I’d forgotten all about it>.

Now, I was feeling much better, she offered me a ride back to my place, but I demurred, and walked over towards Jo’s for some afternoon coffee. Problem being, between Green Mesquite and Jo’s is Sandy’s, and I wound up with a Vanilla custard cone dripping down my chin – but it sure was good, and I deserved a little something [87 cents> for my efforts.

My favorite barista was available to make me an afternoon coffee, and that just made the afternoon seem a little sweeter. Follow some of the tastiest pork ribs ever with a vanilla cone and some of the sweetest, smoothest espresso ever, and it just makes for a good day.

The best cook at that Green Mesquite is an Aries, the girl I ran into was a Leo, and the barista is Sagittarius. All fire.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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