Clowns to the left of me
Joker’s to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you….
Twice in the last year, I’ve heard that song done live. Once was Fat Boy Slim, doing his live set at the Austin Music Hall [thanks, Bubba>. As I recall, but the memory is hazy, that was one of the opening numbers, sampled, no doubt, from its original, Stealer’s Wheel, 1973>.
The next time I heard it, it was done by Cory Morrow, a Houston boy, I believe, if I heard the stage banter correctly. He’s one of those weird, truly typically Texan acts. Mostly country, partly cowboy, and he performs barefoot. He covered the song in its entirety, unlike Fat Boy sound sample.
While I was mulling over the sorry state of humanity, I was actually feeling rather good. I had a delightful early evening repast over charts with a trio of young ladies, each eager for answers. Always does me right. Plus a Scorpio server, just to make the mix of signs \\interesting\\. I easily cleared a total of seven miles, had a swim in the creek, and showed up for that reading, still damp and worried that I had a leaf or twig sticking in my hair. The surface of the creek was littered with organic debris, but the water itself was clear and cold.
I managed to avoid all the traffic on the roads, fixed another website problem, and then, on that final leg home to Shady Acres, I saw one of those sights that just does me right. Sitting at a bus stop, there was a guy fiddling with the trucks on his skateboard. He had pink Mohawk. Life is good.