For the Week of 9/5-11/2002

“All that glistens is not gold
Often have you heard that told;
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold.”

    Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, Act II, scene vii.

There’s a gradual cooling trend that makes for hot times. I know it seems to work backwards but that’s the way it goes — as the summer airs begin to cool off on Texas, it gets nicer out. Time to enjoy some of the Virgo type of weather we’re having now — near perfect?

Aries: I was off on one of my rambling jaunts around town the other afternoon. It’s too much trouble to gas up the truck, and the walk is restful in an athletic way. Besides, where I set out for, whatever the destination might be, the route can always change where I go. I tend to meander in and around several of the neighborhoods, just trying to work it all in. This sort of synergistic way of dealing with life is not always a good model for Aries. Pick a single direction, unlike me, and follow it. Now, on that one afternoon last week, I slipped my phone into my pocket as I didn’t want to be out of touch. Not wearing my normal shorts, but some fancy “dress slacks” shorts instead, I encountered a problem a I didn’t know about. The way the pockets are cut, the phone rubs my leg, and it dials itself some of the numbers on speed dial setup. So my phone started talking to, in no particular order, a red headed Capricorn, Ma Wetzel, and some girl in El Paso. Not too mention that one Virgo, as well. When I finally corrected the errant phone’s behavior, it was too late. I had a voice mail box full of messages from my buddies (and Ma Wetzel.) Check the details. Make sure your phone [or other communication equipment] doesn’t start randomly dialing folks up, just so they can hear you walking along.

Taurus: Something is hurrying you along. It’s like a pressure I get behind my eyes some times. “I know there’s fish out there, and I can feel they want to bite me,” I sense. Lovely sense. Too bad it’s not always the case. I seem to spend a greater portion of the previous month [August], out at the lake, catching little, if anything. This just goes to show that I understand that feeling you’ve got, it’s about the same thing. Now, before you get too upset, let me explain further — the feeling is that there is something “pending,” something is “about to happen,” and I’m agreeing with you about this. For a change, I’d also suggest that your sense of this impending action is 100% accurate. Your timing might be a little off, but it’s going to start this weekend, then carry itself forward into next week. You’ll be surprised, this could be something very big. [That’s “very big” in a good way.]

Gemini: Topwater action is supposed to be picking up by now. One of the lakes I really like has several creek bottom coves, and there will be a stretch of shallow water, a “shelf”, covered with various forms of aquatic weeds. Dragging the right lure right across the top of the weeds has a remarkable effect, Them big, old bass rise right up, then it’s a mighty fight to the finish. The real trick in this situation is to find that “right” lure. What’s going to work best to get the thing you want [big bass] to take your hook [lure]? The 30 seconds or so or action, while you reel that monster fish in, that’s the fun part. It’s the getting ready part that is so important. My personal favorite is a type of lure with a few ball bearings in it. These little orbs of metal rattle around and create a sonic disturbance. It’s more like altering the fish that a target is passing right over their fish heads. Usually works quite well. Now, with the beginning of a new lunar cycle, you need to make a little noise, a little extra Gemini noise, like those ball bearing, and you can attack a little extra attention to whatever it is that you want to attract attention to. This can be a deal you’re working on. This can be a mate you’re trying to land. Cold be any combination of these elements. A little “kicking topwater action” is all but assured — provided you make the right noise to attack what you want to attack.

Cancer: Two things are happening. One, you’re a lot more vocal by now. Two, despite your golden voice, you’re less inclined to able to sway us to your point of view. As an addendum to that last thought, even if you’re right, you’re still having trouble convincing us to see it from where you stand. In fact, it doesn’t matter how smooth and silky you deliver that message, and it doesn’t matter how right you are, the message itself is not getting through. Content versus medium, an old debate from the last few years, that’s for sure. Instead of worrying about the content, why not just concentrate on the delivery mechanism? As long as no one is really listening to what you’re saying, just how you’re saying it, why not work on the delivery method? Stretch that vocabulary, find some new words. Grab a dictionary or use that built-in thesaurus. You can always follow one of my useful guidelines: never use one word when three or four will do. Makes the editor a little cranky, but the words flow in such a melodic way that the effect is like poetry. Pretty little poesy is your strength, use it.

Leo: Put the plastic away. I forget the details, but I think it’s something like consumer debt has never been at a higher point than right now. I could be wrong, and I don’t trust all the statistics I read on the web. Or in newspapers, for that matter. But don’t add to this consumer debt number, not at this point. You’ve got a good bit luck, a long streak you’ve been promised, but the way to take advantage of this good luck is by not spending on, thin Leo dime. Unless, of course, it’s to get a reading from me. But even then, opt for the cheaper route, not the deluxe edition, not right now. You and I both know that you deserve the deluxe treatment. I’m just suggesting that right isn’t the best time for you to purchase this deluxe treatment for yourself. So whether it’s a report or reading from me, or if this is something else, you might want to think twice before you pony up that credit card number. Go a little easy on the spending. Make sure it’s something you you need instead of something you just want. A little delay in the gratification department goes a long way to saving you from some unwise decisions.

Virgo: You can’t really see it, but I’m sure you can feel it. Mars lines up with the Sun during the next few days. This is akin to taking a stock truck, and adding all the things under the hood that matter. Once you get all that extra stuff crammed onto the motor, the truck moves pretty fast. The thing is, you can’t see all the modifications. We used to call these street “sleepers” because you never knew it was a highly modified vehicle until you got stuck eating its dust. Likewise, you can’t see Mars right next to the Sun, but take my word for it, he’s there, and trust me on this one, he’s adding a lot of fuel to that Virgo fire engine. You can brag about this, you can take credit, make boastful claims, or, you can do this the right way: let them eat your Virgo dust. It’s that simple. Instead of telling us what you can do, just put your foot into it. Show us what you can do.

Libra: This is the week I lose popularity with Libra fans. Maybe not all, but most them will have unkind thoughts and words directed towards me. The deal is, there’s great stuff stirring for other signs right now. But like most of my “brushes with fame,” all this great stuff hits at some time when the focus is directed towards other people. Most of my fine, Libra friends understand how this works. What makes me unpopular is the concept that this means someone else gets the attention. That’s a big problem. The time right before your big birthday, and you feel like I’m directing everyone’s attention away from you. It’s not me, but you get the idea. We’re all right around the corner from what should be a really good Libra Birthday blast, and all I can suggest is it’s a time to let other people have the spotlight. MAtter of fact, you’re going to feel like your timing is off, your mouth doesn’t quite say what you want it to say, and nothing seems to work quite the way you want it to. AS long as nothing is going the way you want it to, why not relax about this issue. You and I both know that your birthday part month is around the corner. Look a little further down the road than just this week, and you can see where it will be good. Let someone else enjoy the limelight now — your turn is coming.

Scorpio: Within the confines of the great state of Texas, it’s finally starting to cool off some. Welcome relief, if you ask me. With the somewhat cooler temperatures, there’s a little itch that you get under your Scorpio skin. I’m all for scratching that itch. I’m all for you doing just what it is that you want to do. Skip the bad news. Skip listening to “prophet of doom” astrologers. Miss Venus is going to be creeping into your sign — this is a good thing. Now, Miss Venus is a little self-indulgent at times. Imagine that, a Scorpio who might want to indulge herself [himself, itself, whatever]? Instead of fighting that urge, and instead of me telling you to stick to business, stick to work, stick to important stuff, I’d suggest by this time next week, you should be having yourself a high time. You know, go ahead and have some fun. Don’t complain to me if no one around you wants to play. If a certain party doesn’t want to be included in your party plans, then move on to the next one. It’s really that simple. I call a situation like this a numbers a game, because you might have to make several calls before you find a willing participant or two, but keep calling. I’d estimate your averages are better than anyone else’s about now. Just because some folks are a little down, that doesn’t mean you should be, too.

Sagittarius: Depression is a ticklish subject. Different people deal with in different ways. Some folks require loads of medication, therapists, and toys to massage the ego. Other folks, like me, just do a little shopping. Nothing like acquiring some new music, or a new book, to help ease the pain. While spending money is also lots of fun, it might not be the best time for such an activity this coming weekend. The feeling of depression, though, there’s a good chance that it occurs. Get over it. Move your body. Change your location. That might not really solve the problem, that might not address the core issue, but it does make you feel a little better at the moment. As soon as next week gets here, you’re feeling about 100% better. You have a little edge to you, though, and you can thank Mr. Mars for that. He’s in Virgo, and as such, he creates a tension angle to our sign. Activity is good. Anything that gets you on your feet, out the door, and moving along is what works for you. I would suggest that you use a little more caution when moving about. With this Mars tension, I’m usually tempted to try to do too much. While too much of a good thing is always appealing to a Sagittarius, this next few days, too much might not be in our best interest.

Capricorn: I’m fortunate because most of the residents of Shady Acres Trailer Park don’t really believe in astrology too much. I don’t get called upon by my neighbors to do readings. One place I lived, I had a neighbor who would not hesitate to knock on my door at 3 in the morning, “Hey, I thought I saw your light on, can you just look at my chart real quick like? I just met this guy tonight….” Such interruptions aren’t always bad, but on that one occasion when I was “entertaining” a particular female, the neighbor’s intrusion didn’t go over too well. [And people wonder why I now live like a monk!] With an exception of one, untimely, interruption, you’ve got what is basically a good couple of days coming along. There’s one problem, though, and I’m not sure that you’re going to be quite prepared for it. It’s like that neighbor knocking — at the most inopportune moment. You’re like my, suddenly you have two females, one who gives you money, the other, the one you spend that money on, and one of the two is glaring at the other one. Confused? You should see what it looks like from my very innocent point of view. Usually, you — and I — can talk our way out such situations. Usually. Except for this one instantaneous of apparently bad timing, though, things are pretty good. Good luck explaining.

Aquarius: There’s a unique kind of influence that just hit you. The deal is this coming weekend is great time to put some plans into action, put some ideas into action, get ready to launch some new project. Here’s the hot tip: it’s not something that you do alone. As soon as I suggest an activity along those lines, though, there’s a great host of my fine Aquarius friends who all assume that this means it’s a time for “relationship stuff.” I was really looking for something out-of-the-ordinary, though, something more along the lines of a career type of project. sure, there’s plenty of time for that romantic stuff, if you so desire. But I’d really like to get your attention more directed towards a career goal. This might — or might not — have something to do with your job. Career, in this definition, is what you like to do, what you called to do, and what you do because you want to. doesn’t necessarily mean it’s your job. Might be. Or might be some big deal you’ve been meaning to attack. Try getting up early this coming weekend, and get after this little project.

Pisces: It’s only happened once or twice, but my mistakes — which are usually good fodder for self-deprecating jokes — come to mind under this astrological influence in your chart. I carefully wrote down a time when I was supposed to meet a client. Then, I bumped the time ahead by half an hour so I could get there a little early. Forgetting that I had advanced the time I wrote down, I bounced ahead another half hour, so I was set to exactly one hour early for an appointment. Now, on that fateful day, I took one look at the appointments for the afternoon, and I figured I needed an extra half hour to get there, and an extra half hour to grab a quick bite, so suddenly I was now three hours early. I can’t say for all local newspapers, but our local version really doesn’t include a whole three hours of material in it. Starting to get the picture? I was way ahead of schedule. I was as close as it gets to being bored. While I enjoy chatting up that one Gemini waitress, seeing as how I was going to be there for more than three hours, I started to wear out my welcome. With Mars in his relative position, you’re going want to check your schedules a little closer than I do. And with the Sun over in Virgo, too, you’re going to find that folks don’t seem to be running on the same timetable that you’re on. Plan accordingly.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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