Sunday Seven
I was surfing along and hit the Friday Five, which was all about shoes. Instead of answering the questions, I thought I would just describe each pairs of shoes I own. All seven pairs.
1) Best pair of real shoes is a Lucchesse burnt cherry color, full-quill ostrich boots. Boots are more than a decade old, been to Europe a few times, and I’ve had them retread, maybe a half-dozen times, usually by the factory, and here’s the odd part, the “factory” is El Paso, but the boots get shipped back from San Antonio. Takes six weeks or more, costs a lot, but then, the factory resole job is the best. I’m a little worried, though, as I’ve actually worn holes in the sides of the boots now. I think the original retail price was close to $800.
2) Best dress pair of boots, Lucchese again, handmade in El Paso, been overseas once, black Ant Eater. Been resoled a few times, by the factory. If I recall, these were also close to $800 in price, which is pretty good because that hide is no longer available, and that’s dirt cheap for handmade [in Texas> boots.
3) Antique Justin Alligator, light brown. Bought them second-hand in a thrift store in Dallas, more than ten years ago. Dress boots. Can’t wear them too often because folks think the skins are Sea Turtle, and that is a major social disgrace around my socially conscious friends. Justin Boots, these days, is located in Ft. Worth, I think. Price was, in 1989 dollars, $100.
4) Teva Terradactyl’s [old style> – Pretty old pair, useful only as a back up, the Velcro strips to fasten the sandals on are wearing out. I’ve had them that long. They were, at one time, my “dress” sandals. Then they became the regular hiking footwear, and finally, they have moved to semi-retirement.
5) Teva, don’t know the model name or number. Got them on sale, someplace like REI, and they are holding up pretty well. The problem with Teva’s, I’m into my second decade with them, is that they are no longer manufactured in Arizona, but the boxes are all marked, “Made in China.” Which means, I was looking for new sandals.
7) {new} Piper Sandals, made in San Antonio. These are new. Can’t really report on them. Took them for their first ten mile wander on Saturday. Worked fine. No blisters.
There’s a common thread here, either sport sandals, or cowboy boots. I don’t see much need for anything in between.