Astrology readings

Astrology readings

I love certain kinds of readings. There comes time, when I can casually glance at chart, doesn’t take too much studying, and I can recognize certain elements, like a particular planet at a certain degree, and I can extrapolate a whole ton of information about that, just from that casually cursory examination.

Then there’s the art of the interpretation of what the symbols all stand far. Instead of pretending to be some truly stoic outsider, I tend to jump right into a chart and talk about experiences, observations, and of course, my favorite line, “Do as I say, not as I do….”

It’s all about following my own advice. Or not, as the case may be. I met a client Friday morning, before running by the office to pick up some paperwork. I loved that reading. It was relaxed. It was easy, but then, I’ve always found Leo’s easy to read for. Plus I was wearing a Das Rheingold T-shirt, and after a cup of coffee, that Leo caught the “heavy metal t-shirt” joke.

Venus being backwards and all, plus certain other elements just made it the most delightful experience. A casual morning meeting, a couple of cups of coffee, and a chart. Made life good.

The sun was out, and I try to live as if I have as few as possible regrets. My only regret was the fact I was wearing jeans on such a nice day.

I wandered into the office, and chatted with another November Sagittarius. “We’re just the best, aren’t we?” Then got invited to two different Sag parties, one at a Tex-Mex place, another at a hockey game. Later in the day, I heard from someone who heard from her mystery man, a Sagittarius. Then, late in the afternoon, one of the apartment locators came by, and I fulfilled a lease through her, so she got a commission. Birthday? Next week, too. Finally, a kid and his mom wander into the office to rent a student efficiency for the next semester. Kid’s birthday? Next week.

Dinner with my Pisces at Curra’s. A little odd, too, as I made notes throughout the meal for the web work I was doing. So at the end of the night, I had this promotional flyer from Paris with my notes on it. “Move this, trim that, adjust this and that,” just the usual tweaks. I thought that was a unique form of recycling, though.

Looking at the art on the walls, I couldn’t pass up another joke, “Whoa, nice melons!”

“Gourds, Kramer, they’re gourds. Don’t you know your vegetables?”

I guess not.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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