

“You hate us. All of us. I know it,” my sweet Pisces friend told me, on the way to work.

And thus started a Saturday at the office. We stopped at Magnolia for some breakfast, served by Scorpio who was a doppelganger for the Virgo who fixes espresso downtown, minus the tattoos. But then, it was a Pisces morning, and Pisces day, all the rest of the day.

To be sure, it was punctuated by a Sagittarius or two, then a Capricorn, but mostly Pisces.

Sort of sets the tone. Sometime, coming up in the next couple of weeks sometime, I found this really tasty link for Pisces, as it was a Japanese [I’m guessing> commercial, done in flash animation, for a particular brand of soy sauce. The lead character in the animation was a superhero with a fish for a head. Not a fish head, but a whole fish. I remember previewing it the other evening, thinking it would be good in a crowded Pisces scope, so I figure that’s where all the PISCES flotsam is derived from. Guess I shouldn’t spend some idle time surfing around for oddities on the web.

It was a different Pisces who pointed out that I had a single, long, curly lock sticking out from my shirt. “Chest hair? Oh baby.” (Rolling her eyes, too.)

Looking down, I was momentarily confused as there it was, protruding from the under the second button of my starched shirt, a single, rather fluffy curl. I thought back to the shower, earlier in the morning, and no, I hadn’t noticed a long lock on my chest then, so I was confused. I swept my hair back, but no, it wasn’t a stray from my ponytail. Subsequent investigation revealed that it was, indeed, just looped around my ear, and then up under the collar, and finally out the front of the shirt. Weird.

I left for dinner with another Pisces, also blond hair and blue eyes, and we were sure that it set tongues wagging, her being seen with me. The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. What really transpired was barbecue brisket and pork ribs, punctuated with long, sad tales about love gone astray, all served by a Gemini [blond hair, blue eyes>, and I got shoved out of the truck, in front of Shady Acres, one more time.

Hate Pisces? Hardly. Too many of them at the show to say I hate them. Some folks, though, come across as being so sensitive.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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