Symbolism, the Alamo and Satan
It’s an important concept and certainly a big part of what I do. Best question I’ve heard recently is a little different.
“The Alamo is at 28 of Satan?”
It was one of the Gemini Bubba types, and he was examining his chart. To be sure, the glyph I use for Libra sure does look like the archway of the entrance to the Alamo.
Satan, though?
Now, when Mercury is Retrograde, the Mercury Signs [usually Virgo and Gemini> feel it more so than other signs, although about 80% of the population is affected, but I don’t think I would normally refer to Mercury as Satan.
However, as I’ve often pointed out, the symbol for Mercury is like the Venus symbol, only it’s got little antennas sticking out of its head.
Or horns, I suspect, as my Gemini bubba buddy was addressing it.
So it was Satan at 28 degrees of the Alamo, to use his symbolism. Personally, I think “Mercury in Libra” was a better expression.