, astrology and more design questions

Couldn’t ask for a finer comment. That design question? How about really simple splash page with an image fraught with deep significance to me?

My own astrology report reminded me:
Dec 26 through Dec 31
“It usually foretells unexpected upsets …. You will have a tendency to feel thrown off balance in some way so that you question stability of the situations you normally count on as being more secure in your life. Sudden mood changes or impulsiveness are likely, if you can imagine that. You are also prone to sudden emotional excitement, sometimes pleasant, sometimes not.”

I talked to that Virgo friend, and I convinced her to swing by the apartment complex to pick me up – yes, I know, I shouldn’t have to work on weekend – but it was only a few hours – and I did get a ton of random paperwork out of the way – so she shows up and I’m on the phone. I see her car, the LSU sticker, then she heads on back down the road. Ten minutes later, she calls, “I couldn’t find the directions, and I couldn’t remember the place, so I came home.”

So much for an afternoon in the sun someplace, sipping caffeinated beverages and stuffing spicy food down my gullet. She did return, though, after I pointed out that the buses don’t run real regular-like on Satruday.

Order of events: Cerviche de Pulpo at Curra’s, on the patio. Trailer park life, getting caught up on who is doing what to whom, and basically, arriving at the conclusion that everyone who lives around here is, and I quote, “a freak.” Then Sam’s, for some much needed groceries. Plus an extra stack of blank CD’s for burning system disks and such. Amy’s on the way home, for that extra sugar rush to pack all those groceries into a trailer’s kitchenette.

Nothing upsetting thus far. In fact, after I balanced the checkbook, I still had some money left over, maybe enough for lunch tomorrow. Then again, maybe not.

Two issues came up out of this, one being the idea that maybe I should move up to the apartment life and be an on-site manager. Make my commute a lot easier. But give up the gossip that goes on around here? That hour of just listening sort of cured me of that idea. The other point was that I still had money leftover after a signing a big check for supplies. A regular paycheck is nice, instead of depending on the kindness of strangers, which, I suspect, will be a big item in the near future.

I was left, in Saturday’s twilight, on the doorstep with a case of bottled water, a stack of blank CD’s, some extra audio tapes (for readings), and a pile of groceries. Considering how bare the cupboard’s been, not a bad haul.

There’s something satisfying about a having my needs met.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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