Graveyard at the all night copy shop

Graveyard at the all night copy shop & class

I rolled out the other morning, full of energy, off for readings then hop a bus up to rent apartments and when the day finally closed, I wound up at the all night copy shop on Congress Avenue.

I had, in hand, dozens of faxes that needed to be scanned into a computer format, then the digitized images needed to be added to a web page. But instead of using any of my own high-tech gear, this one of those chores that was decidedly low-tech.

Instead of bending myself backwards to try and figure out how to do this low-tech, like fax the material from my office fax to one of my older computers, and then e-mail myself the pictures, I just stopped off at the copy shop, armed with the corporate card, and spent an hour on their machines. One machine freeze-up. One double espresso. One hour sitting there, twiddling my thumbs while an antique scanner ran over the material.

I think the girl at the counter thinks I have a crush on her. Really, all I wanted was to get this material out of the way.

I clocked in at the other office at noon, and I clocked out, finishing the last of the upload, at 12:01 AM. I wonder if all my hours are truly appreciated?

“So where are you going tonight?” Mi Patron asked, as I headed for the door last night.

“Teach a class,” I quipped back over my shoulder.

“Ha. On what, fly-fishing?”

And I meant to use the example last night, but it completely escaped me at the time, but I have noticed some astrological points at work – can’t escape it. In one week during December, we rented a half-dozen apartments to youngsters, and since I have to look at their Driver’s Lisence, I can tell, all November Sagittarius folks.

Weird how that works. Want to the mechanics, as I see it? Get this: that December week, the sun was in Capricorn. Solar Sagittarius Second House. Getting a new apartment? Moving home furnishings around?

Might just be a coincidence.

And now, I’ve got to come up with predictions for the Friday night prediction panel. Let me think, Mercury RX in dirt signs, Uranus pokes into Pisces, and Leo has a fast run with Jupiter from April 1st until August. Saturn, oh yeah, he’s doing something, too, into Cancer? Better grab my ephemeris for that.

One of those novels that made an impact on my life, a valuable turning point, not unlike many of my supposed-peers, was William Gibson’s Neuromancer. Weird, late night link, waiting on the new scopes to load, I found some very good information in his online bio.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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