WSJ: “Bomb Texas”

WSJ: “Bomb Texas”

This piece was online the other night.

I had a really good answer to the question, and I was interrupted by several phone calls. Never got back to the spirit that I had. My morning reading, Tuesday morning, ran late. In the interim, over a cup of some really good coffee, I read part of the local newspaper, aptly abandoned on the coffee house bar. My notes from the morning include a pullout quote, “If Sam Houston could defeat Santa Anna’s forces with 680 Mexican dead and only 9 Texans lost, during a battle that lasted only 18 minutes, then the [State> Legislature can balance the budget in this session….” Or something like that.

Battle of San Jacinto. Adjust for Texas-sized urban sprawl and that very battlefield is probably within Houston’s current city limits. You sure about that op/ed headline? You know what happens when we’re really pissed? One Houston dweller’s answer, several years ago.

Ma Wetzel had an interesting tidbit, but regrettably, the whole story takes up too much space. I suppose, it helps to be related to folks who have first-hand knowledge about the inner workings of the political office, and family members who did, and continue to have, a voice that the conservative government listens to.

What I found amusing, on a personal note, looking around the dinner table, I asked who voted for whom. Three Democrats with my odd, occasional Libertarian vote tossed in. I just don’t understand how we wound up with such a strong GOP state.

Bomb Texas? Are you kidding? You know what happens when we get pissed?

“Hey Bubba, watch this!”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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