Computer woes, again.
It’s not like this is really big problem, but I have second Handsrping Visor I took back to Fry’s, for the second time. Color, too. Cool. Doesn’t work anymore. Not cool. Has a 2-year replacement warranty. Cool. They don’t have anymore of that model. Not cool.
I left the apartment’s office a little after 5 yesterday afternoon. I meandered along surface streets, spending close to an hour chatting with my sister on the cell phone. We had some serious business to transact, and sitting in traffic seemed like the best place to take care of this. Lost signal twice, once under the freeway, and once by the University. But other than that, it was okay. I drove carefully, albeit a little slower than most, just trying to be courteous, besides, I was really trying to make the most of the time I was in the car.
In rush hour traffic, Friday, it still took almost an hour to get there. Maybe more than an hour. Then there was Friday Night at Fry’s. Took the replacement crew a little while to come up with a decent alternative, too, seeing as how they were out of stock for that Prism Visor, and they didn’t see anymore being made. Which they’re not.
What they offered me was a Sony Clie. I’ll be damned if I know how to pronounce it. Klee? Clay? Klee-AY? Whatever.
Price tag was higher, it was color, looked smaller, seemed like a good deal. Which goes back to voice mail hell, and the idea of getting a new phone, too. Replace one unit with two. Not sure i like going that way, but then, I’m not sure that I have much of an option, either. It’s either free stuff – the price is right – or it’s a costly alternative, and frankly, these days, I’m not looking to spend anymore cash upfront on any tech toys.
Super-zoot-cool phones are nice enough, and love the small size, but there’s a problem, if that phone sees a lot of use. Mine does. Usually, that use and abuse comes in the form of carriage. Like, pants pockets, shorts pockets, carryon baggage, and so on. Same for a handheld. What I really use the pocket organizer for is keeping track of appointments. Might just have to go a backwards compatible paper thing. I wouldn’t be so interested in having this discussion but the dual-purpose phone is no longer that attractive because it takes up too much space. Plus the battery weighs, like, several ounces or something.
Simplify, simplify. That’s the motto. I’m not sure I’m moving in the right direction. I did accept the Clie, and I’ll see how that goes for the next few days, but it might be going back, too. I’m just sure as heck not trying to drive to north Austin during rush hour, not if I don’t have some long-winded conversation to maintain my interest.
The trip home? After an hour and half at the store? Took less than 20 minutes. All I could do, besides bemoan the fact that one of my buddies was no longer on the radio? Wonder why folks would leave right at 5 when, if they waited for ah hour or two, it would take a lot less time. I’m just surprised that there aren’t more folks doing a time shift to beat traffic.
That’s twice this year I’ve been stuck in rush hour traffic. That’s two times too many.
“He asked me to marry him, and then he fell off his chair, the best introduction to Kramer ever.” (Scorpio).