Editing, appearance and display

A trick a I heard about recently – one that made a lot of sense to me – involved breaking up large bunches of text into smaller paragraphs.

This has been done to my material in other forums, at one time or another, but I tried it recently here. For it? Against it?

Let me know.

However, the first blush of results suggest that it’s been really helpful.

Appearances and marketing
Last weekend, I spent the greater portion of my waking hours in the presence of the “public.” Face-to-face with a large number of people. South Austin.

One interchange went like this, “You’re Kramer? I get your e-mail every week. I just, you know, thought you were older, the way you write and all….”

The advice I was following when I started posting the weekly for free was that it would generate traffic and traffic yields sales.

Made sense, especially at the time. But like that one pleasant exchange, the traffic still doesn’t purchase, and like that one person who discovered I was a lot younger than she supposed, the situation still resulted in no income.

Online shopping tips.

So I’m less sure of the free model, and more resolved that the “pay for view” – for time-sensitive material – is a viable alternative.

One of my red-headed friends called late last night, she was glowing because she’s headed back to Amsterdam to see the tulips. Just wanted to let me know. And, she had a spare ticket for a Buffett show upcoming, would I be interested?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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