How it works – or doesn’t work

I’m much better off now that the good weather is starting to get here. What a lot of folks don’t recall is that hard freeze, even ice, in February means that we’re headed into a hot summer. Free is an operative word, too. The way this site will work when I finish up the details is rather simple: Last week’s scopes? Free. All the data on the site including previous years’ archives? Free. All the data linked from the index? Free. This meandering journal? Free. Then why subscribe?

Only one directory will require a password, available by subscription, the current weekly scopes and the subscription form for e-mail delivery of those same scopes. Two items, and I’m rather proud of some of the code, trimmed the advertising down to nothing, almost, and no graphics. Loads fast. Even on 28.8 dialup, should load quickly. Fast.

Yeah, I know, you sign up for three days for free then sign up for the e-mail delivery, and then don’t pay the $2.95, and you can beat the system. Frankly, if that’s how you live your life, doesn’t bother me, you only have your own conscience to deal with. Not my problem – you get what you pay for.

Yes, the order form itself was broken for while yesterday. The “uber reliable” hosting service did some background changes. Screwed up my SSL (Secure Socket Layer) set-up. Plus I haven’t managed to get that password protection software to talk to PayPal likes it’s supposed to yet. Just another minor annoyance.

The war and its media bombardment threw me off my regular schedule for producing scopes. And that’s my priority. I can only afford to spend so much time working on what I feel like I can do in order t make this all work out right. I have to answer that muse, too.

But once it all gets set up correctly, then it’s simple. Everything will be free except for the current week’s scopes. Simple. Even if you’re an early adopter and have been getting the regular weekly mail? That stays just the way it is.

I’m not sure how this will fly, but I’ve batted around the idea for years. More like I’ve batted it down for years. Resisted it – the subscription idea.

I had to talk to an officer (APD) at the other job. Over the officer’s right breast, there was a small badge, a medical symbol, a caduceus, maybe, and the letters “M H O.” I’ve seen it before. 2 out of the last 5 officers I’ve dealt with had it. Stands for Mental Health Officer. In other words, someone trained to deal with crazy people. But that’s like, 40% or more of the force that I’ve dealt with, so does that imply that Austin’s full of crazy people?

On my home, I looked up at the nascent phase of the Moon, whipped out the pocket chart thing, and peeked real fast. Moon was 25 Aries, Mercury was 25 Aries. Looked good for me, if I could just sneak it all in before the moon went sliding into a Taurus. Cool evening air, a decent breeze kicking up from downriver, the stars starting sparkle as I was heading home, life might just be okay. Maybe just a little crazy.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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© 1993 – 2025 Kramer Wetzel, for &c. breaking horoscopes since 1993.

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