In between

So I was stuck between readings, then I get a 10 PM call from some who ordered a chart, and had it e-mailed to her boyfriend, and he took one look at the header on the message and tossed it.

So I spoke with that couple for a few minutes. And I had a long day at the apartment office, being the first and all, and plus I had a phone reading, so it’s not like I had a lot of time to finish the install. Worked on it, but never got around to finishing it up.


I’ll get there, I’m sure, just not there yet.

Less than ten cents per day
Less than the price one large latte, too. Think about that.

I’ve heard it before, and I’m sure I’ll hear some complaints about stuff that should be free. I’m temping as a landlord, which makes me think that I really should pay last month’s rent on the trailer.

It’s either that, or pay for another month on this server.

I tried to take a shortcut to a cheaper server and that blew up in my face.

I’ve tried a number of tricks to help float this place, advertising is still an option, but that’s a fairly anemic market these days.

I’ve begged, asked for donations, and the few folks who do donate are helping, but it’s not really enough.

Bottom line, I need to charge admission for the weekly scopes. Not last week, nor any week before that, but for current week.

That was another unimplemented goal behind moving servers. Never got around to it. I was too busy whacking away at stupid details like permissions and stuff.

I was also figuring that extant mailing list would remain free, but future addresses would be only available to paying customers.

I hate doing this. But I can’t see any other way to make this pay for itself.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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