Letters to politicians

Letters to politicians

That’s what I started with, but my caustic, satirical streak took over, and I’m not sure I really want to fire off one of the letters. What’s more amusing – to me – is that one of the city council personages lives in a neighborhood with those very same expensive “traffic calming” measures in effect.

Then there’s another question, and I couldn’t help myself, but I had to wonder if “minority” children only counted as a percentage instead of whole fatalities because, after all, the “minorities” only dealt with by fractions.

Fun numbers to deal with: Austin will probably be 60% Hispanic in another ten years. The current Mayor’s name? Gus Garcia.

More inbox fun:

> One of my favorite stories that I still tell is that the FIRST words you
> spoke to me personally was (after rummaging through my chart at that
> bookstore I was meeting you in) “Don’t date Sag’s.”
> “But you’re a Sag.”
> “Yes. Let’s go eat.”

Then there’s the fedback from the subscription ploy, one of the early adopters before I ironed out the kinks:

> Please do not feel bad or feel that you have to make it up because of the
> slight delay. I’ve been visiting your site weekly for the past 2-3 years and
> I just want to say that you’ve already given me many gifts. Your insights,
> to this day, continue to help me when times get hard and/or confusing. Thank
> you.

Or this one:

> Heck with all the flamers (though I’m still dying to read some of those) —
> Thursdays, to me, are even MORE special now. $2.95 for that feeling is like
> paying a nickel for an ice cold coke on a late August afternoon in Texas.

While it’s not official yet, as far as I’m concerned, Mercury is stationary enough to make most of folks miserable. I’m not buying into it. But then, I am a professional, and I’m not about to let Mercury’s predictable course ruin anything I’ve got planned.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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