Media conflict

Most of my friends were all headed over to Eeyore’s Birthday.

But what else was there to do? In my hood, there was the “jumping off the ramp into the lake” contest and event. Then there was, right next to it, an Austin Parks and Recreation event. Plus there were some Dragon Boat races of one sort or another, just downstream

Me? I wandered through the “foolish folks making fools of themselves while jumping into the lake” thing. Wandered through the grounds, usual festival set-up stuff. No big thing. Not to me. Then I strolled back over to Barton Spring for the first dip of the year. Cold water. Should’ve been there last weekend, but I was busy.

I stopped one place and bought a bottle of Mexican mineral water, stopped at another and grabbed a 44 oz. diet coke, and trudged back home.

There were close to 30,000 folks down for the big splash event, my estimate. While I was wandering amongst them, I kept thinking about how this was nothing more than a media circus, orchestrated by the media, arranged by some company to promote the product. I mean, I’m sure the contestants had a good time, but the goal was to fly, and the results were inevitably a splash into the lake, resulting in the destruction of the flying apparatus.

I watched two different groups sail off the end of the ramp and splash into the water. After that, I was bored.

Best looking team effort? Something about “pigs can fly,” I think from Mesquite [TX>,
And the whole team was dressed, head to toe, in pink.

Personally, I’ve never found a way to wear pink and be manly. Could be me, though.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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