My favorite Sagittarius

It started Friday night, and if I was really as good as I thought I was, I should’ve been able to discern the symbolism.

It was at the happy hour gathering for the journal writers and assorted folks. Or sordid folks and their ilk, depending on how one addressed the motley crew.

There was one Sagittarius girl there, then three or four, and the first one – since I can remember more than just her name – her URL – asked if I was her favorite Sagittarius

“Of course you are, unless Amy gets here.”

Since Amy never showed up, Rachel was my favorite Sagittarius.

Now, Sunday’s brunch, at that sweet Pisces humble and lovely abode with the construction in the back yard….

I didn’t count, but there were a lot of Sagittarius girls there. Tons of them. Plus a couple of Aries, and a pair of Pisces. But mostly they were Sagittarius. Even better, most them were early degree Sagittarius. Odd how that all works. Us November Sagittarius folks all hanging together. Makes life easy, right? Right. I think there were six or eight, throughout the day.

Astrological analysis? Sure, Saturn is done opposing us, and Pluto is done frying us, and Uranus is about to tickle us, as well as Jupiter – in Leo – making a welcome and pleasant aspect to us. Life is good.

I was just disturbed that they were obviously having much more fun in the estrogen enriched living room, talking about whatever it was they were talking about, than I was having in the reading room.

Smashing success, either way.

The cat, however, was nonplused.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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