Required reading & reptiles

Required reading & reptiles

Pattern Recognition by William Gibson – should be required for most of the online writers I know. I haven’t even finished it, and I don’t think I’m going to have any time in the immediate future to do any quality reading. Bummer. But from what I’ve read so far, it’s good.

It seems to be an interesting piece of the present, too.

“Far more creativity, today, goes into the marketing of products than into the products themselves, athletic shoes or feature films.” [page 87>

While I was strolling across the bridge to catch a bus, I spied a little baby red-ear turtle, not any larger than a Las Vegas casino’s “dollar” coin. Right there, on the sidewalk, making headway towards the street. I stopped long enough to pick him up and set him back on the banked lawn, pointing downhill and towards the river. How he got that far is beyond my understanding.

Turtles are reptiles. So are snakes. Earlier, I spied a foot-long critter, near as I could tell, looked like a baby boa, from the irregular rectangles on its back, in a parking lot. It’s not like a boa is a native or anything, and I wondered whether it was a copperhead, but head was crushed. However, the native copperhead usually has a more regular pattern. I’m pretty sure it was a boa.

So it’s off to work, Saturday morning…

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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