Feast day of St. Urban

Patron Saint of wine guys. Hoist one for the saint.

So this was weird, but in a good way. See, it was a Libra kind of day. First off, the guy who used to be referred to as “mi patron,” me and him, we had us one of those little talks. He talked, I listened. I have numerous shortcomings as a property manager. Can’t say as I blame him. He meandered around a bit, we worked in an apartment together, and we both decided, in the most amicable way possible, that Friday was, seeing as how it was the end of one of the pay periods, a good time to end my part-time employment.

Noble experiment. Started when Mercury was backwards, ended when Mercury was backwards. More or less. I’ll certainly stick by what I’ve suggested in the past, he’s a good man to work for. I was feeling that sullen, bitter sense, but in my heart, I knew he was right.

See: I’m just too nice of a guy. I make a terrible landlord.

I’m bitter about two things: one, I just purchased another bus pass. That’s ten bucks down the drain. Or maybe not, might use it yet. I just doubt I’ll get $10 worth of bus rides out of it. Then there’s the issue with Barton Springs. I missed a whole month of free admittance to Barton Springs. Because I was working. I’m little toasted about that.

Other issues? This is where it got amusing for me. I came home and stretched out for a minute. The phone started ringing. Libra: “You okay?”

“Fine, no really, I’m all right with it. Amicable. Very nice.”

Then, since everyone wanted to call me and offer condolences, I just motored on down to Barton Creek and went for a quick dip. Up the trail and over to the post office. The phone started ringing. “You okay, dude?” [Gemini> “You okay?” [The Virgo> “You okay?” [Sweet Pisces>

Finally agreed to dinner with the Pisces. We started in one direction, then wound up way down south at a special little hole-in-the-wall place. Libra waitress. I was forced to discuss matters with the Libra, who just got a job as a leasing agent, and a Taurus, who was an assistant property manager, and with a Leo, who was their boss.

In the background, after a delicious – and economical – plate of Italian food, a country-fried band was warming up. Lead singer was wearing a Dukes of Hazzard shirt – in an Italian Restaurant.

Eventually, that Libra pulled up a chair and virtually demanded more astrology insight. It’s that Libra influence for the day.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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