
I had to call and get some clarity on this one, buddy of mine rang me up Sunday morning, “Hey. When’s Mercury out of retrograde?”

May 21st, why?”

“Nothing.” (garbled background noise, conversations with the most important significant other)

So I buzzed him the next day, “What was that all about?”

“Nothing. I mean, I just told her I wasn’t going to answer her question until May 21st.”

Isn’t astrology an excellent tool for interpersonal relationship development?

Cinco de Gringo
I know I’ve used it before, but that was a few years ago, so I don’t guess it’s a problem to try and recycle the expression.

Fish feel pain?

I know I missed some big as can be celebration, I’m sure. I made a desperate attempt to link to The Fat Guy’s web entry about Cinco de Mayo, but I was hustling out the door and never got all the bits to talk to the bytes.


Next on the “Mercury is still ass backwards” reading list turned out to be William Gibson’s Mona Lisa Overdrive. In addition to my pristine ,first edition hardcover, I think I read it once, copy of the book, I’ve also got a rare galley print. Basically, a rough draft of the book itself, inclusing a few typographical mistakes.

What’s so cool, is I can remember where I was, some featureless airport, while I was roady that summer, “audio technician” is the current expression, and I can remember reading that book in the Chicago-Indianapolis-DFW-wherever airport. I seem to reccall St, Louis and Boston at some time, but not much else. Too much time on the road that year, did an East Coast – West Coast shuffle.

Which is why a library seems important to me. Sometimes, it’s the books. Sometimes, it’s the memories associated with the books.

I don’t remeber being as impressed with Count Zero the first time. Back-to-back with its predecessor, though, I found it a much better read. I do recall an aged interview with Gibson, talking about the flow chart he used to keep track of the plot lines. Yeah, that good.

I’ll see with Mona Lisa Overdrive, as I feel asleep with it and the cat. Been busy around here, reading charts.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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