Back-ups. Oh, I got your backups, right here.
I crashed my database that holds the text files and everything else for this journal Wednesday night. No big deal, not really, I could see the data on the server, I just couldn’t get to it. Everything’s fine, sure. Sure. And instead of trying to figure out what went wrong while Mercury was still in his throws of backspin, I decided to call it night. There will be a back up, right? Sure, that’s why we pay the big bucks for this server, right?
Nice enough idea.
And I do have back up source material, almost every entry, in text file format, on my drive, backed up onto other drives, just all over the place. But I don’t have a back up of the database itself. So when something breaks, like it will, I’m screwed.
So it goes.
Wednesday night, minutes before midnight, a few souls eagerly reloading their browsers, waiting for the new scopes to tick over. Not like it’s a good time to work on back end issues. Besides, I was dead-nuts tired. I may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but I know when I shouldn’t be working.
So I wasn’t. I’ll fix it later.
But there wasn’t anything I could fix. Front end is fine, back end lost all its data. Structure is fine, data gone.