
For the Week of: 6/12-18/2003

“Hast thou never an eye in thy head?”
Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 1 [II.i.26]

Wink, TX – Roy Orbison Festival is this weekend.

Gemini: An ardent admirer once sent me a cute postcard, “Fishing: the way to a man’s heart is through his fly!” I’m sure I could tie this to the opening quote, as well, but I think that’s stretching it a bit. Deal is, Venus is warming things up in Gemini land. Maybe not heating them up, but given the recent weather here, it’s certainly going to be headed in that direction soon enough.

Got that? You can either argue with Miss Venus, or you can enjoy the fruits of her attentions. In other words, you’re lazy, feeling good, and inclined to be a nice person, although, you might not be as productive as you want. Problems? There really aren’t too many, not during the next couple of days. The only kind of a problem I can envision for Gemini would be that silly notion that one Gemini bubba had: he tried to date more than one woman at a time.

That fact showed up in my scopes, and he got in trouble. He felt as if I violated some code of ethics by revealing what was going on his life in print.

Hint: Venus was not in Gemini at the time, and the repercussions were bad. I’m not suggesting that Gemini land is all wonderful; if you create a bad situation, you might find it hard to deal with the consequence of your actions, i.e., dating more than one female at a time. However, given the way things are, I’m sure you could smooth some of this over. I just wish that bubba wasn’t still angry; I need the promised computer upgrade.

Cancer: man, I’ve tracked this stuff for a long, long time. You’re depressed. You don’t like me, my horoscopes, the fact that you’re a moody Cancer, or any of this stuff. Yeah, I know how it goes. Happens to me in the early fall, same thing. Looking at it astrologically, it’s a form of “low-level” depression, sort of like a gloomy, sunless summer morning. The gray clouds obscure the light, there’s a heavy, damp mist, but it’s not cool enough to be called pleasant. This is your own, personal Cancer weather.

It’s not really that bad, but right before the birthday season starts, you get this feeling that nothing is going right, you’d rather be someplace other than here, or, with that one instance of Cancer on a vacation, she’d rather be at work. I can’t imagine that one, not myself. Look here: this is a temporary, passing thing. It’s getting better, I promise, very soon. Those clouds, on the morning I was working on this? They burned off before 9 in the morning. Likewise, your cloudy demeanor improves as the sun inches closer to your sign. Soon, very soon, I’ll see that happy, Cancer face again.

Leo: I used an image manipulation piece of software to change up the picture of me with a fish. Now, I can honestly say, I did NOT enlarge the size of the fish. But follow closely, what I did was make a second copy of the picture of me with the fish, shrunk me and the fish down to smaller size, then pasted the original picture of the fish — 100% unmodified — on top of the new, smaller version of me. “Yeah buddy, that’s some fish alright!” That bass looked like he was three feet long. The stuff on the web site, the stuff that I publish from time to time, that’s what you can expect. Read the fine print, pay attention to the details.

No, I didn’t enlarge the fish at all, but in keeping with the spirit of times I did downsize myself. I just couldn’t resist. It was one of those things that needed to be done. Like I implied with my digital chicanery, there’s something that needs to be done. Go for it. It can be fun. Better yet, you can do like I do, and in the exact letter of the law, or in my interpretation thereof, I didn’t make that fish any bigger — I just scaled everything else smaller. I thought it was a cute trick. You can pull an equally cute trick, and answer honestly, “No, I did not enlarge the fish.”

Virgo: Driving an old truck, which doesn’t have AC, well, actually, it does have AC, I just don’t have any “environmentally damaging” Freon in it, in Texas, on a summer day like it’s been lately, there’s no other choice besides to get my driving chores done early in the morning. It’s still marginally cool at that time.

This “no AC” thing, though, it pays off. Look at it this way, “Take my truck or yours? Mine doesn’t have AC….” Think about the gas I’m saving. Makes life much more bearable. Reduces wear and tear. It’s an old truck, too. So in the summer time, at times like this, I get great mileage. I think my record, if I recall correctly, and I’d have to check my mileage log to be sure, but the all-time record was about 6 weeks. That means I got by without driving my truck for more than six weeks.

You’re working on a similar record, in one way or another. Problem is, and that’s why I’m here to warn you, you’re going to get an unexpected call before too long. Like early next week. You might want to make sure the battery in the Virgo truck is charged up and ready to roll. It’s one of those events that requires immediate Virgo attention, and there’s no time like the present to make sure that you can still answer this call as need be.

Libra: We’re doing it again. I mean, I’ve observed this with my Libra’s a time or two. See, you guys tend to put off the important tasks until the last minute. It’s not like you’re procrastinating or anything, I with you on this, you have every intention of doing this in a timely fashion. But the window for this to be called “a timely fashion” has shut; therefore, you should get that one last task, duty, or responsibility out of the way this very weekend.

One of my fishing partners is married. What he does, if we’re planning on fishing one the weekend? He gets out and does something in the “good points” category, like the mow the lawn, before the weekend arrives. He’s long since learned that it’s a lot easier to do this stuff ahead of time, build up those “bonus husband points” or whatever karmic system exists in their relationship dynamic.

When I described this, more than one female has suggested that this one fishing buddy “acts rightly.” Follow his lead. Let’s get something done, something you’ve been meaning to do, let’s get it done soon. Now is the time. Don’t be putting this stuff until my favorite time, “later.” Later works for me, I’m not a Libra. Won’t work for you, so let’s get this done as soon as you can. You can thank me later.

Scorpio: I like to fish, “catch and release” style. Means, I catch a fish, I get a picture, and I throw him [her] back into the lake, so we can fish another day. I tend to believe it’s “recycling” fish. Works just fine, gets around the problem of the nastier side of fishing, the cleaning and cooking thing. I was fishing the other weekend, and I grabbed that big boy up to get his picture taken, then I tossed him back in the lake. The easiest way to hold up a big bass is to hook your thumb into his lower lip.

One of these days, one of my fishing buddies will be in a hospital, looking at a baby, and grab the newborn by its lower lip, and say, “Hey, it’s about 8 pounds, huh?” I don’t think that would go over well with most of the parental units I know, but a few fishermen will nod approvingly, “Sure, that’ll work.” So after doing the pose and the picture the other day, I tossed that big bad boy bass back in the lake. He seemed stunned at first, as if his jaw wouldn’t work, maybe he realized the lake water wasn’t that warm, or maybe he was worn out from being hung up by his lower lip, upset that I didn’t check with his agent before we snapped a picture. Mars in Aquarius, that’s like the “bass photo session.” Next week, when Mars eases on into the next sign [Pisces], that’s like getting tossed back in the lake. Work your jaw a little, check the water’s temp, grab a gill full of water, waggle your tail fin, and swim away to freedom.

Sagittarius: “Look,” I was telling another Sagittarius, “in the grand scheme of things, this issue isn’t all that important, now is it?” The problem was, yes, the issue was that important–at that time–to that one Sagittarius. Some things seem really big at the time whereas some things aren’t that big of a deal.

If you get some outside input, seek an outsider’s point of view, or just try looking at the single, all-consuming problem, it is that big of a deal. But if you make an effort to put it in some kind of [Sagittarius] perspective, it’s not such a huge problem. Or, maybe it is a big problem. But if you break that big problem down into component parts, it’s not such a huge deal. Instead of looking at a big problem, I just hope I remember this myself, consider it a series of small problems who are struggling to get out of that big problem. Small problems? Unflappable Sagittarius types? We can deal with small issues, one at a time, no problem.

Capricorn: I’ve used the line before in a reading with a client, and I’ll use it again, I’m sure. “Don’t confuse love with lust,” is my expression. That’s a light-hearted way to look at the way things in Capricorn these days. There’s another way too look at them, too, as Mr. Saturn, voted the most popular planet with Capricorn, has moved into a position where examining your inner, personal relationship is of paramount importance.

What makes this so interesting to me, judging from a lot of the mail I’ve gotten, is that this sort of examination is not all bad. In traditional astrology, Saturn sucks. In my way of looking at, and given the fact that I’m inordinately fond of Capricorn, I’d suggest that there is something good going on. You just don’t know it. Stop for a little while, take a quiet moment and perform whatever “rites of Capricorn” that you perform, and use that quiet time to take a good look at some “self” issues. Look at them, ponder them, then consider getting an outside opinion. One of my Cap buddies requires my help on matters of the existential variety because she can only see the glass as being damn near empty when I see a glass that’s almost full.

Aquarius: I can’t explain this type of energy without using a hopelessly colloquial story. Seems a buddy of mine made this observation, as it applied to girls raised in Texas, “So when you pour that third drink, or get the Texas girl her fourth cocktail, her accent starts to emerge. She might be ‘accent-free’ at first, but sometime between #3 & #4, she starts to twang.” This was a problem because my buddy was, at the time, pursuing a woman from California, and his expected results–that shift in accent–didn’t occur. This created a problem for him. The auditory clue wasn’t present.

The target did not respond in a fashion he was accustomed to. “When you hear that Texas Twang come through, you know that you’re good to go, and she’ll do anything.” Problem being, with a target audience from California, not from Texas, nor even a portion of the Deep South, no amount of whisky would affect her accent. My buddy, an Aquarius, wound up with a pleasantly intoxicated, happy drunk girlfriend who was partially comatose, snoring lightly in his arms. He missed his shot, after about the fifth or sixth drink. “Her accent never changed. I thought this one could really hold her liquor well.”

One out of ten Aquarius will be just like my buddy’s date, snoozing away in a happy place, safely looked after by a Texas gentleman. But the other 9/10ths of ya’ll? Just because an expected clue doesn’t materialize, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be a little more careful with some of your actions. Personally, I suggest you stop at #3, but that’s just my experience.

Pisces: Inline skates, roller blades, or whatever those infernal things are called, are not as popular as they once were. I watched the other day as a pair of young females tried them out on a portion of the trail, not far from Shady Acres. The two young women struggled, giggled, and hobbled over the grassy lawn until they hit the paved section of trail. From a stumbling start, they went whizzing, at a dizzy pace, off into the summer’s days. There was much laughter, self-conscious and self-effacing comments, and the staggering, halting beginning had a long rush of speed for a finish — or maybe, they were both careening out of control — I couldn’t bear to watch.

This weekend, Mars is still in Aquarius, you’re like those kids on the grass with the skates, nothing seems to move very fast. Sometime after the weekend, Mars moves into Pisces, and you’re like those kids on skates, stepping onto the pavement. From a halting, slow, potentially dangerous position, maybe careening out of control, or maybe gliding forward at a dizzying pace. Either way, the halting, jerky start takes off with good speed, once Mars shifts.

Aries: There’s one fishing guide on a lake just outside of Austin, and this one guide–quite successfully–uses nothing but “water dogs” on a “Carolina Rig.” I prefer pink plastic worms on a Texas rig, myself, I seem to have a little better luck with those. I suppose, it’s a matter of taste. And figuring out what works, that is, figuring out what works for your Aries self.

Water Dogs are priced as high as two bucks apiece depending on arcane variables in the spot market. My plastic lizards run pennies apiece, are reusable, and tend to last longer. There’s this influence, too, like the spot price of water dogs, that seems to vary with location, day of the week, supply, and demand. I’d be a little careful. Buy those puppies on a Tuesday, and they’re about a buck each. Saturday morning? The price doubles.

Look at what you’ve got coming up, plan accordingly, and get your supplies when the prices are lowest. Even if you’re not fishing with water dogs on that one lake, it’s worth the effort to shop around before you buy. Matter of fact, it’s really worth the effort to shop around before you do much of anything. “Look twice,” would be a good catch-all phrase for the next few days.

Taurus: With record heat waves being reported to me in some sectors, and a rather cool spring being reported elsewhere [hey, for them folks on the underneath side of the globe, that’s the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere], I’d suggest that you’ve got one of those summer’s starting out with a little bit of confusion. Doesn’t all make a lot of sense, but then, I live in Texas, and our weird weather is normal.

I once crossed from a desert to mountains, and I could see where I went from “no rain for 40 days” to a place where I, literally, got hailed on in a single, summer night. There was enough frozen precipitation to make it look like snow, if only briefly. You’re going to be subjected to these varieties of extremes over the next couple of days.

Some folks tend to take a literal way of reading these scopes, and that implies great fluctuation in the weather, but the weather I’m talking about is “astrological weather” and the implied changes are in your personal, Taurus weather system. Blows hot and cold, all in a single day. Get used to it. Some of these fluctuations are really for the best, you know, and besides, it keeps it all interesting.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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