Mental excrement instantiates.
It was a link, a passing comment on Scott’s The Fat Guy site, a quick note and link about Texas Music. It was also a call from a Pisces about the passing of Steamboat.
It was several things. I wandered up the hill from here to see a Capricorn about reading her chart. I wandered home and took a nap. I fired off the weekly news.
I’m back to my universal quandary, too. That book of Bubba’s, which I’m reading, it has some interesting points.
There’s one portion of the text, though, that I’m at odds with. It’s about giving it all away for free. I’m not interested in that. I love the concept. It certainly works for some places. I understand the ideal and the idea. When I win the lottery, I’ll do just that.
But I’m also living on a very slim profit margin — some weeks — no margin.
What I came up with varies. It’s either going back to the text itself – astrology column – as the intro page, or leaving the minimalist splash page as it is. Or, something else?
I don’t have the user experience that I can delve into these days. I’m not in position to understand what the user sees. I turned off most of the website’s tracking software, other than on IP logging on this journal, just to make my life easier.
I was working on two other projects yesterday morning, but at one point, I had a memorable event, and that got turned into a couple of horoscopes. While I was in that zone, I was happiest.
It’s always nice to feel like I haven’t lost the touch.
I got to tweaking a little, and I wanted to add Bubba’s book to my own list of recommendations, and while I was doing that, I had a bizarre observation, less than ten percent of the site is dedicated to advertising. That makes this place 90% free of crap. Tends to respect the reader for what the reader is, as an intellect. Of course, that also creates another problem, for those folks who just ain’t bright enough to get the subtle wit.
Reminded me of that Scorpio the other night, bemoaning the fact that some folks missed his humor, slightly sarcastic, slightly askew. Oh right, like I’m going to miss it, too? I thought he was just as funny as could be. But that Scorpio caustic humor always amuses me.
Which doesn’t address the question of design.