Waiting on the bus

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Gothic zodiac. Looks like some else is using my idea of fishing lure for an earring, see the Pisces?


Fun with the folks.
Pa Wetzel made a donation of some sort to SWT. San Marcos. “What should we do in San Marcos?”

Valentino’s on the Square. Great pizza. Even better than Austin Pizza’s Jalapeno and Anchovy (delivered to Shady Acres), there’s that special Valentino’s tomato, bacon & ranch dressing pizza. Excellent chow in a sleazy dive of a pizza parlor.

Rob’s Humidor, great place to pick up a cigar. Or maybe a box of cigars.

Sharp Things, get a tattoo. On the square. From Harold.

Looking at my list of activites in San Marcos, I’m a little out of sorts. I mean, there’s nothing there to keep my parents happy, now is there?

Originally, this was supposed to be a Father’s Day thing, too. I had a Libra friend fetch me up so I could do a little Father’s Day shopping, nothing like waiting for the last minute to snag an old standby.

We wandered over to Whole Earth Provision Co., down on Lamar. Bought a sumac walking stick, a cane, actually. One of the counter workers offered to help by wrapping the stick.

“Oh, so what’s your birthday?”

“October. Libra. What’s yours?”

“Sagittarius,” I said, moving closer to the counter, sensing something.

The Libra had put the cane in two bags, effectively covering it, and she was tying a knot with some colorful twine, “Sagittarius? Ex-boyfriend is a Sagittarius,” she continued, yanking on the string. The twine broke.

I stepped back from the counter while she finished. I just had an image of her cracking my collarbone with that walking stick.

“Just a harmless Sagittarius, no really….”


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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