Wandering through Wednesday

I only had a few more signs left in one batch of horoscopes, so I wrapped that up a tad early. Left me with a block of free time in the middle of the day, as I did have an evening reading booked.

Up and over the Lamar pedestrian bridge, up to the post office, my hair up in a bun, no shirt on, the day just as nice and mellow as could be. Back down to Barton Creek, quick dip, on homeward, wash up, change and talk to the parental units about upcoming plans. They will be around this coming weekend. Then, of course, it’s Father’s Day on Sunday.

So it was back to the Caffeine Dealer, read for yet another Virgo, and have myself a plate of vegetables, then sitting under the torpid evening sky, delineating a chart, the possibilities, the projections, and what’s up ahead.

I stepped inside to fetch up coffee for myself, and another Red Stripe for that Virgo. I like doing readings where a client can have a beer or two. Just makes everything go down a little smoother.

When I wandered around to the front of the store, I spied a familiar visage, none other than world-famous Ben Brown (of So New Media fame, as well as an outspoken web personality). I handed him my card and complimented him on his career choices. And asked his birthday.

Aquarius. “But I don’t believe in that…”

Still a way cool guy, and now that I know he’s an early Aquarius? Even cooler.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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