Tuesday Trifecta

Hurricane Claudette hadn’t made landfall by the time I scooted out the door. But upon one glance, I ditched the shades as there was no sun to speak of. Gray, foreboding clouds obviously off shoots of that twirling mass of wet weather covered the sky.

Cool! Then I got to thinking about it, means more heavy rain for the next couple of days, or, at the very least, the threat of heavy rain. So I figured I owed myself a dunk in Barton Springs before the rain hit, because heavy precipitation usually means that the Springs are overflowing with fecal coliform, which really means, to those of us in South Austin, we are swimming around in rich peoples’ excrement – the PR folks usually forget to mention that.

Not that I have anything against rich people, heck some of my friends are rich people. I’d even like to be one, one day. I just don’t like swimming in their offal.

From the Springs, since it was just so nice out, I ambled on by the BBQ place, special was two-meat plate. Pork ribs were as fine as could be, the brisket, well, at least the food is dependably good. Nothing remarkable about the brisket, but it’s not bad. But those ribs? Amazing.

Even more fun was the lady toting the baby, “Hi Kramer! I didn’t realize it was you who was teaching astrology at Linda’s. I missed you last time.”

Check back in the fall, I’ll probably start doing class again. Until then? I’m my usual classless self. Or in class all by myself, whatever works.

From BBQ, up and over the hill to Jo’s. I was thinking of the title “trifecta” Tuesday, and I figured a little scoop of Amy’s was about perfect, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

BBQ, coffee and ice cream? Sensory overload. However, whatever it was, I timed it right. The first, infrequent raindrops fell just as I rolled back into Shady Acres – still clutching the almost empty coffee cup.

Test Patterns
Another possible splash image, a door knocker, found in alley in Amsterdam.


Although, this would probably be more appropriate for ASTROWHORE.ORG. Don’t know that it really fits here. Just an image that I like, though.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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