From the really old files

Digging around in my folks garage, I was ostensibly trying to go through a few old boxes of textbooks, and cart that crap off, I came across a really old manuscript of mine. I recognized the artwork as images I had pointedly stolen from someplace else. But the text? Vintage me, through and through. Sarcastic. Wry. With an economy of words I no longer employ.

Seeing as how some of the textbooks I unloaded were old Faulkner texts, I also uncovered a couple of books that I know are currently out-of-print, and as such, border on being collectible.

I hauled those boxes of books, after I sorted the good stuff out, up to the half-price bookstore, and I got really lucky. I walked out with enough money to pay for new purchases and a tall cup of coffee. Cool deal.

But the real find was that old text. I don’t even know if I have a computer file of that material anymore. I’m sure it’s all on a floppy someplace, but I’m not about to dig through all of those…. But the material itself? Stay tuned, coming up soon. Pre-WWW texts. Amazing what I can find lurking in the parental garage.

There are still a half dozen boxes with books. Gradually, I’m finding that I’ve got books that I’ve purchased again, because Dallas was just too far away to go when I needed – or wanted – a particular text.

Copy editing, never one of my strengths, is really getting troublesome. I get tired, bored, ran out of ink one time, and I’m just not that interested in the material. But this is going to make a dandy book, Real Soon Now.

Maybe unrelated – or maybe not – I looked at the July stats:

What I didn’t bother to show was the static romance text is still one of the most popular destinations on the site.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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