Mountain Time

Breakfast at the Pastry Chef, stopped off and scored a perfect “curtado” at Cafe Dali, worked through lunch, and the promoter offered me a key to the hotel’s pool in the middle of the afternoon.

Nothing like a quick dip to make everything all better. Just like being at home. Almost.

Then, the plan came up over breakfast, since it had been such a terrible day on Saturday, “Why don’t we hit the casino tonight? Pack up about 4 and go on over for the buffet?”

Which we didn’t do, exactly. We did have a great afternoon, really busy, and while I was digging around to pack up, I stumbled across a stash of cash I’d left behind, about $50 in fives, so there was a little bid of “discretionary cash” for the whole casino run.

Which was fun, but I figure I lost about $20, all in all.

While standing in line a the buffet, it was interesting to watch as two Latinas ordered fresh-made Italian dishes in border patois.

Friday, when I was walking out of the airplane & down the concourse, a guy looked at me, at the clock on the wall, and asked, “Are we in a different time zone?”

“Yeah, El Paso is in a different zone, all right… plus it’s Mountain Standard Time.”

“The Twilight Zone?”

It’s something like that.


Pastry Chef window


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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