I’ve got to do something with that word – it’s been ten years now that I’ve been “on the road” like this. I think I’ve earned my tenure.
Looking out the window, I can see the river’s surface. Looks like glass at this moment. The sun was just setting by the time I rolled into the trailer. There was single egret in a little eddy, and I’m not sure he was even fishing. Might have just been hanging out.
The final form of the book is in the pipeline now. The earliest version of the text was started in 1997. Has an interesting history, to me, and writing about writing is tenuous task.
To say I’m a little apprehensive is an understatement. To say that I’m a little worried, that’s true.
I was wondering, though, do I have “street cred” to do this?
I was ripping and burning CD’s late last night. Worrying my way through a few items that I’d promised a friend.. Some music for the Osprey.
I’ve got another playlist I’ve been working on, a truly bizarre mix. The dates for the music stretch across almost 50 years of pop music. “Pop pop pop music.”
Photogrpahic diversion via MeFi made me think about time. I had to look at the timeline for the book.
Started it in 1997? The dates on the files have changed so much. Then it was finished in rough draft form in 1998. Fleshed it out a few times, and there are several additions. Finally, near as I can tell, it was done pretty much in 1999. I recall editing it a few times after that. The web version, the most recent version, had some extra material. Amusing.
Looking at the New Wave music, though, that made me think. Been at this astrology gig, full-time, for ten years now. Tenure?
Shirt notice
Actually started Saturday because Mac the Aura guy was teasing me about both of us showing up in the exact same outfit. Blue Hawaiian shirt, dark shorts, dark t-shirt. But running gags can only go so far.
What happened, though was from a Sagittarius, over breakfast, as a Leo was admiring the blue Hawaiian shirt I had on, “Thos are lovely flowers on the she shirt.”
“Oh, those are those flowers that look puffy and soft, only they’re really prickly,” the Sagittarius was observing, “just like Kramer.”
True story.
Had a lady corner me outside the show for a few minutes, just to chat.
“You did a reading for my daughter, I think, like, 7 years ago,” she was telling me, “and she had baby, like you said, her daughter is now 6 years old.”
“Only,” she continued, “you’d predicted a boy. Funny thing was, she’d had three ultra-sounds, and they all said ‘boy,’ too.”
So the oracle is sometimes off about gender? Let’s be honest, it’s a 50-50 shot, right?
Overheard: “Never argue with the voices in your head – you’ll wind someplace without an umbrella.”