
Dark side of the Rainbow.

The hypothesis states that Pink Floyd’s album, Dark Side of the Moon, was cut to fit The Wizard of Oz video. Movie.

Does it work? The Alamo did it as a regular feature downtown. Short walk. Pleasant evening. Good pizza.

Excellent music.

Interesting theory. Sort of works. Sort of doesn’t, as there are certain elements of synchronicity, moments when the sounds and songs tie together in weird and wonderful ways.

But as a hypothesis? I’m not buying it.

Home of the big fish
My fishing buddy was making idle conversation, “So I got your email the time stamp was 11:45 PM….”

I came, I saw, I fished. I felt much better for the exercise.

Funniest fish story? The recent rain, like Thursday evening, filled the lake up pretty good and there was a mess of messy hydrilla floating. So I kept catching those water weeds.

I was hauling in, at one point, what I thought was a fairly large chunk of water weed, and as I reeled it closer to the boat, I noticed that there was something stuck in the mess of vegetation. Small fish. Not bad.

“That’s like a salad and an entree.”

The last fish if the day, we’d moved out to deeper water, working along a grass line, and I was attempting to let the bait sink a little lower. I thought I’d hooked some more water weeds when it started to “walk” in a different direction. Waterweeds don’t usually swim upstream.

“Now that’s a nice fish.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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