Feast Eve of St. Lambert

St. Lambert was a 7th Century Flemish patron of surgeons. Which has exactly what to do with what? Nothing.

In the Austin airport, there is, perhaps the finest disclaimer I’ve ever seen, I mean, it actually made sense. A little plaque, outside the changing station/room in the men’s restroom:

“Do not leave children unattended.”

Why did that make sense? Pretty easy to visualize, while I was standing there, taking care of my business, in my mind’s eye, I could easily see a guy popping in to change his kid’s diaper, or nappy, as it’s called in England, then remembering something, and wandering off to the airport bar for drink, forgetting the kid there.

It could happen – hence the very valid need for that sign.

Today’s soundtrack: pick something from Pink Floyd’s canon. “Animals” comes to mind.

From yesterday’s Daily Express, a quote of a quote, attributed to film maker, Gus Van Sant, “Shakespeare invented the psychology of the character, who becomes responsible for his actions, rather than the action happening from outside in a classical sense.” (page 14)

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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