Gemini Monday

Subtitle: days of wasabi and salsa.

Which, at first glance would seem to indicate Japanese cuisine and Mexican food, or its local equivalent, Tex-Mex.

Not that it’s important, either.

Just one of those days. One friend, a Gemini, whose name is not “bubba,” calls me up and asks about how to get a certain stain out of leather furniture.

“Shouldn’t have been doing that on the leather ottoman, my bad.”

Yeah. Dude. Whatever.

Cracked me up, though, at the time.

I was with a Gemini, in the Flightpath, searching for a couch, don’t ask, it’s obviously a Gemini thing, and I was asking what they called my favorite coffee drink these days, the aforementioned “cortado.”

Guy floating behind the counter pipes in, long discussion, gets me set straight, a “cortado” is an Argentinean shot of coffee with a cream. A “macchiato” is Eye-talian (not Stabuck-ese) for “stain.”

“Yeah, what you’re supposed to do is pour the foam in the cup then pour the espresso in, so that the foam is stained. Macchiato. Stain.”

“Hey man, what’s your birthday?” I asked.

Gemini. Exact same year as an earlier reading in the day. Insert spooky music here.

He wondered off, “Who was that guy?”

“Him? Oh, he owns the place.”

I’m impressed, an owner who really does know his coffee. Or, at the very least, had a much more reasonable answer than anyone else.

I was wandering back from Magnolia, late dinner reading, and I glanced up over my shoulder – there was the moon, where I expected it to be, in Scorpio (tropical zodiac), with the nicest “face” visible. There was a crater, or other surface irregularity, just where the shadow fell. For all the world, it looked like nose in the shadow’s curve, almost like it was alive. Looks like I’ve got a lot learn about for taking night photographs. The image doesn’t show much. The moon was just special, though, like I’ve never seen before.


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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