Opera & Elizabethan Theatre

Jerry Springer – the Opera was abolutely the funniest thing I’ve seen in years. Real opera, make no mistake about that. I mean, real opera, a chorus, a gods, a journey to the underworld, and a certain word that should get beeped out. In fact, that’s most of the lyrics in at least one song. Might be all the lyrics, I was too amused to keep track.

Early in Act I or maybe Act II, there’s the usual component of a Springer show, and the song’s lyrics, belted out true opera style? “He said she said they said.” Or something like that. Just loved it. It was about a guy who was engaged to one girl, then sleeping with her best friend plus sleeping with another – person – of indeterminate gender. Chicks with, oh, never mind.

It was funny. Very funny.

There’s the KKK, too, and then, Jerry gets shot. He winds up in Hell. Journey to the underworld, remember? Got to have that element. Besides, anyone who’s seen the TV show would agree that it’s a fitting end. Of course, that was just the “interval.”

Between shows, I stopped by “Heads Rule Hearts,” and purchased a nappy hat for Sister. I just liked the name of the place, more than needing to purchase anything, just a cool little shop for hats.

Dinner with Ma Wetzel, as she was seeing more modern stuff and agreed that she really didn’t need to see that opera a second time, wherein we had some kind of French cuisine. But it was Scottish, estate-bred, non-blended beef. Good stuff.

Then I wandered further down the river’s edge, back to the Globe again, and I took in a Marlowe’s Edward II.

I don’t know much about Marlowe, but from a copy of the play, the introduction included this one line about how, “Nothing in Marlowe’s life immortalised him like the leaving of it.”

It’s all about Edward II (well, obviously) and his sycophants, his wife, murder, treason, revolt, and overthrow. Ascension. Whatever.

Damn good play, and excellent acting, near as I can tell. During one interval, a lad was “holding forth,” and he seemed quite critical. Sure, there are a few points about the Globe that are not wholly accurate. The stage, even to me, seems a little larger, and the “heavens” stretch a bit farther out than the old Globe, presumably. For my money, though? It has the right “feeling.”

I’m not sure it’s going to be visible in the small, web version of the picture, but there might be me – in shorts – shirt tied around my waist – reflected in the poster’s glass.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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