Two meat Tuesday

Which, I dunno, is starting to reach “tradition” status, well, almost. I suppose I should come up with just two meaty topics for the day. But two themes? Got two of them, but they ain’t the least bit intertwined. Virgo & catfish. Which resulted in a befuddled software engine.

I fired the scopes off early, and I like bouncing the scopes out on a bright Tuesday morning. No sooner did I hit the send button, but what did I find ? One more typographical mistake. Darn. Then the mail from the Virgo sector started to pile up.

While I can quote exactly, I much prefer my version, a combination of the notes I got, “What did you leave out of the Virgo scope?”

Nothing. The advice is in the last line.

I was a bit at odds. I’m tired of “Mercury and Mars are backwards, ‘oh woe is me’ stories.” I wanted an escape. I was undressed and ready for a quiet evening, maybe curled up with a book and the cat, when I checked the Alamo Drafthouse site and found an interesting movie about fishing.

Couple of points, and the short blurb from the Alamo’s site is gone, but in its review, the author suggested that the folks in the movie were treated with dignity and respect. In part, I’d agree. The audience last night laughed at some of it, but think about it, grappling with 40 or 50-pound catfish? Wrestling it ashore with bare hands? Just exactly what kinds of folks partake of such a sport?

Partway through the movie, there’s a mention of a book, Noodling for Flatheads, and that’s where the fun really starts.

The movie itself was pretty good. There’s interesting scenery, and the editing was quick enough to hold my attention. So were the fish. Chance of me ever grappling with a catfish? Think about that for second. I like being in the boat or on the shore, nothing in between those two, thanyouverymuch.

My poor, little brain was swimming with visions of a 50-pound catfish, half as tall as me, when I crossed the bridge, coming home. (Retrograde) Mars and the Moon, especially the moonlight reflecting off the surface of the lake, were rising in the east. I had a long list of textbooks to plug into that web page I’m working on, so I figured I had a little work cut out for me.

I hopped up on Amazon, and started plugging in textbooks for the client. I had a long series of books like this, in other words, esoteric Judiac theological, philosophical tracts. Back-to-back with a book about noodling.

Can’t wait to see how the “Amazon recommends” reconciles those searches with a combination of titles.

Catfish. That movie is really pretty damn good. Short, just about an hour, and it is done with certain respect for the local color and the folks involved in that kind of activity.

However, it didn’t leave me with any desire to actually try noodling myself, at least, not that form of it.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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