Weird Thursdays lead to

A jet-set lifestyle.

So after much wrangling, I finally lost the throw. It was almost cute, too. I sat down to do reading at Magnolia South. Client was running late – paid for lunch – overpaid me for taking so long, too. During the reading, one, two, three Gemini’s call me on my cell phone. One of the calls was Sister.

We have a crisis. Not like a major crisis, it’s just that we both have to be physically present at the same time, in the same location, in front of an official. Takes all of about ten minutes. Ten minutes of paperwork, where we are both present.

Ten minutes. Maybe less. Both of us. She’s on the Left Coast – I’m on the Third Coast.

She has a busy schedule, and I’m fixing to leave the country for a few days. I’m scheduled for fishing on Saturday morning, weather permitting, a much-needed excursion.

She’s got one show running, and rehearsing for one, writing another that’s going to open in a month or six weeks….

“And I’ve got a photo shoot tomorrow afternoon at 2,” she was explaining.

Time difference between Austin and SF Bay? 2 hours. Red-eye from Austin puts me in long before noon, then turnaround on the afternoon flight, gets back here before midnight.

Yee-haw. Three hours in downtown SF.

Then, back at Magnolia, in wandered another Gemini. Counts up to four, for the afternoon.

Me and Sister, we tried various solutions, but in the end, there’s just no getting around it. We have to both be there. Or here. And she can’t come here right now, and I have exactly one day when I’m not booked solid. My turn to hop.

This trip would be entirely out of the question, time-wise, expense-wise, except for one or two details. I have one Southwest free round trip ticket left. I have no place I was planning to be on Friday, other than hoping for a swim in Barton Creek.

Makes me question my priorities. Family is important. Sunrise at a Texas lake, pole in hand is also important.

When I called the airline for reservations, I was making polite chatter, “Let me guess, you’re in the call center in Phoenix, right?”

No, Heather was in OKC.

“Hey, I just saw a movie the other night, about fishing in Oklahoma, called Okie Noodling, good film.”

Was it about noodling? Sound track by the Flaming Lips? Heather asked

“Yeah, yeah, that’s the one!”

Her boyfriend helped on it. Or was in it. Or did sound. Something.

“It’s good movie, at least, I liked it.”

She – they – had a copy of it. Said she’d watch it some time.

It’s just after a nasty full moon – the question is: can I make back in time to fish?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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