Burnt toast.
Noted. More noted.
Which has nothing to do with that dreary feeling of being totally drained from a long weekend of work.
Words from Buddha Sean, “Relationships are like baby seals, sometimes…”
The rest of that thought will be continued, later, on astrowhore.org. I was going to quote the item in its entirety, but the author claimed it, and I defer to his way with words. He was giving out advice, not me.
But I did make enough last weekend to go shopping at the grocery store, and that’s a happy thought. Although, I’m wondering, should I really be elated about sufficient Mac & Cheese? The cat’s happy about cans of tuna, that’s for sure.
One item I picked up was a book, light reading for a frazzled mind. Looking over at the book, another person waiting in line noticed it, and suggested it was a good read.
While Buddha Sean was working on my computer, cussing a mean blue streak at a website that wouldn’t accept his resume, I started reading the book. Picked right up and took off – works for me. Of course, with a hero who is posited at a little older than me, with graying hair at the temples, yeah, well, how can I not like it? Make that hero an academic? Even better. I don’t know, though, I just started reading.
“Astrology was a symbolic constant all over the world.” (page 19)