Divorced from reality

That would be me. Sure enough. It’s that marketing thing, really. Or a lack of marketing.

I was working my way through some upcoming horoscopes, and I was tediously typing, can’t really say it was writing, and I realized, for the hundredth time, I really should shoot some advertising into the scopes. End each scope with a rejoinder like, “It’s a good time to buy the book.”

Great idea. Can’t do it. There’s a purity I prefer to use on the scopes. Devoid of any marketing. At a later date, I’ve gone back in and plugged links to the various online stores, but no, when I’m composing – or decomposing, according to some – I tend not to think about such matters.

Friday afternoon went from weird to weirder to, finally, Friday night? I took a break, divorced from reality, as it were. I had a lawyer appointment that never materialized as the lawyer had “paying work” show up. I understand that. Then, to replace the lawyer, I had a pair of Gemini clients, one in tears.

Two points need to be obvious, one, I’m pretty much immune to teary females. Seen too many in my line of work. Doesn’t stop my little liberal heart from bleeding, just means I don’t fall for that ruse. I dug out tissues, staunched the floodwaters, mopped up the mess, and we opted for BBQ. Good Texas girls are like that, a little applied astrology, then a little BBQ. Had enough leftovers for her dog and my cat. The cat enjoys tender brisket. And the cat hopes the dog chokes on a pork rib. Cat’s mean like that. The other point? Never underestimate the powerful, curative, restorative, miraculous, mystical & metaphysical powers of slabs of barnyard animals smoked for hours & hours, with a little side of raw onion. And a Big Red (bottled by authority of Big Red, Inc., Waco, TX).

From the e-mail inbox (things we like to read) as the oracle predicted:
> Just got the job offer, I’m giving notice this afternoon!
> Dude, you rock!

I wonder, did anyone every tell the Oracle at Delphi, “Yo bitch, you rock!”?

Spam stats here at FGS World HQ
Friday: received 744 e-mails between 5 accounts, between 12:01 AM and 11:59 PM. Had 54 of those that were actual messages. What’s that work out to? 7% of my inbound eletronic mail is useful or important?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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