FW Star Telgram’s take. I like the idea, myself. New crankabit, looks like a little pill?
Friday Five –
In my own accounting system, with my own bookkeeping, I’ve got a category specifically called, “Road Food.” That’s reserved for “meals when traveling for business.” Then there will be a city, maybe another state, along with whatever business function is associated with me being in far-flung location.
1. I just erased a really long entry with pointers and links – titled “making money with your website.” Or maybe I’d called it, “making money on the web.” Who knows? I don’t recall. But I’ve been through the details so many times, hashing over old material, even if it’s new for some folks, that’s not a lot of fun.
2. What was fun, the afternoon turned into a high of nearly 90 degrees, 92 according to one source, 106, by the bank’s thermometer, was a hike that ended with a hotlink, a large cup of fizzy brown water, and a little nap before Bubba Sean swung by to steal some bandwidth.
3. I kept peeking over his shoulder, “looking for work” seems to involve surfing adult entertainment sites, eBay shopping for sunglasses, and then, I did get a chance to try and explain how the stats package on his site really worked. Plus there was e-mail he was answering, but somehow, I don’t think that it involved actually finding a j-o-b. Could be me. “Yes, I’ve read that joke before.”
4. Thursday evening? That means the special is at Sandy’s. No, that picture isn’t from this time around. We got there long after the sun had set. But I was just wondering, between me and him, if the meal could be deducted as “road food.” Doubtful. Besides, the cost was only about $3, total. But it was a road trip, because, in his own fashion, we had to leave Shady Acres, run north to scoop up his Virgo ex-girlfriend, then run back down for cheap eats, drop me off, and that’s the furthest I’ve been in days. Or so it seems.
5. Still feels like a summer’s night. Over dinner, Bubba Sean made a passing comment about String Cheese resurrecting the pig from Pink Floyd’s Animals tour. I casually reminded him I saw that pig, the first time around. Weird synchronisty, the album cover, in its 12-inch glory? That cover shot is a scene from the train as it approaches – I think – Victoria Station. I was there while String Cheese was debuting the pig – again – in Austin. Or so I’ve been told.
I had a good analogy working, in all that material I ditched, equating Wal-Mart to Amazon. It’s faulty line of thinking, in some respects, because Amazon isn’t – apparently – as predatory as Wal-Mart seems to be these days. One of the local lists I’m on, a neighborhood action group, is fighting the opening of a anotherWally World, here in the ‘hood. As previously linked, Oakland, CA passed an ordinance targeted right at Wal-Mart. Then, there’s the suggestion that Wal-Mart’s presence in a market drives little businesses into foreclosure.
What’s that got to do with Amazon? I’ve been an “Amazon Associate” or whatever-the-hell they call it, for years. I don’t get any credit when some just clicks through on a link, but when a purchase is made through a recommendation, then I get small percentage of a small percentage.
Doesn’t come close to covering the cost of the server, or bandwidth, or, much less, the amount of time invested in setting up the links. But there is a pay-off, or I wouldn’t do it. Each quarter, I get enough in a gift certificate to order up some book I wouldn’t normally be able to justify purchasing. Simple enough.
But my own book isn’t available on Amazon yet.
My book won’t be a big hit with chain stores, but small, independent – specialty – bookstores? Places with a long list of astrology texts? Probably go over well there. And aren’t those the very places that are being threatened by the big chain stores? And Amazon?
Doesn’t matter much, either way, not to me. I’m not sure Amazon will replace the actual fondling of books in a bookstore. And as much as I like the local bookstores, neither of the locally owned and operated stores I frequent is open at 3 AM.
I was wondering why I was concerned with childhood memories all afternoon – Sun just hit Scorpio – that explains everything.
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