Lost boys, lost days

I was typing the date in the backup version of the journal and realized I’d lost a day. It’s been a scramble and I’m looking forward to a much more bucolic pace. I’m worn out from having too much fun.

“Endorphins, honey, that’s what it is – you’re just high from seeing me,” fredlet assured me. In part, very true. Plus, Monday afternoon, while we were returning some books, and fetching up grub, a special red-headed Capricorn put in an appearance. “Dude, it’s been, like months since I’ve seen you.”

Could be it. I’m still waiting on the come-down from the weekend. Plus, there’s just something odd about being at an event all weekend, and not having a pocketful of cash. Just not what I’m used to. I work weekends, and at the end of the weekend, I have to make a deposit. That’s the point to asking, “Hey baby, what’s your birthday?”

Fredlet made me “tuck and roll” at Magnolia, as she headed off to the airport. Me? I meandered around for a spell, winding up at a Gemini apartment, being lazy in the hot morning sun, which lead to another Pisces place, and more afternoon laziness. I wandered down to the post office, nominally to check the mail, and from there, off for what was perhaps the best espresso I’ve had in days.

I asked the barista about the tattoo on her shoulder, “It’s the glyph for the ‘year of the monkey’,” she assured me. 1956? 1968? Gemini, 1980.

There was something oddly peaceful about the day, and that coffee, done just perfect, set everything off.

Somewhere along the way, I heard a rustle in the grass. I caught a glimpse of a slithering spot of red, and I finally saw the reptile, a garter snake, about 15 inches long. I didn’t make a move to capture the creature, but I did stymie its forward motion – I just didn’t see any point in that critter darting out across the pavement. I was trying to remember, is it the shorter ones that are male? Or female? Couldn’t remember.

Snakes have always been a totem animal for me – not that I believe that stuff – just an observed phenomena: snake = good. That garter snake? With it’s horizontal red line and yellow lines? A real snake in the grass.

Later, as I crossed the Lamar Pedestrian Bridge, I couldn’t help but notice a big turtle, floating and sunning herself. Huge turtle. Massive. The shell must’ve stretched a good two feet, from end to end. That one was girl, and she slowly, peacefully, ducked back under and started to paddle back to the murky depths of home.

Always nice to see note from Australia:

> Yep, that’s au for Australia. Love reading your
> weekly charts.

Tim’s pic o’me – J-Con style.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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