Saddlebags and “best of”
Dig around and help find the “best of” of the entries with a Texas Theme. I figure just about everything I’ve got has a Texas Theme. How can it not? Which reminded me that I’ve got to get out the old book bag, the undergraduate purse I carried for so long.
Computers keep changing size and portable design issues usually require that I carry a computer-specific piece of baggage. But I have this one, old briefcase/book-bag, from a long time ago (look, my undergraduate and graduate degrees are still barely a decade old – ink is hardly dry).
The briefcase was built by a saddle-maker out of Montana. I had it custom fabricated, I think it still has his signature inside someplace, and I keep running into advertising for various computer bags that are “just like” a saddlebag.
Marketing like that appeals to me. I look at the design, the picture of a “saddlebag style briefcase/computer folio,” and I think, “I should try one of those, am elegant solution to my computer carry-all questions.”
Except, I got one of them. Wasn’t designed to be a computer case, but with a padded envelope, it works out just fine.
One of the selling points, years ago, was that any saddle shop could repair damaged or worn out parts. The leather’s aged, rather fine, and I’ve usually hit it with saddle soap and mink oil, about once a year, just to keep it in shape. I’m thinking that this would be a good time to start using it again. Computer cowboys need computer saddlebags.
For journal con, upcoming, the party starts today. There’s a volunteer call wherein we all gather and stuff swag bags with goodies for the folks who registered. Should get their money’s worth, the way it’s going. Then there’s the “Texas Talk” readings. I had clipped a series of what I thought was the “best of” but I’m no judge of my own material. Any other ideas?
*I am not a painter (Personal fave about art in Ft. Worth)
Raod Trip – Nov. 2002
Punk Rock
Astrology Business Model
music: response
writing on the train
Barefoot Astrology
Pepys’ diaries
sex sells
*Ten years on the road
left coast shuttle
Other favorites?