Tea time

Just my cup of tea. Which has nothing to do with the rest of Wednesday.

Years ago, a long-standing family friend introduced me to place on South First Street that was noted for its “Puerco Adobo.” Some kind of a pork-chili stew. Pretty good grub.

I was busy dialing in a pedometer, more out of curiosity than any technical reason, the first half mile, by my reckoning, was indicating more like a mile, so I adjusted the settings, and between mile marker 5.5 and 5.75, I got it just right. At the end of the day’s wandering, I’d covered 8 miles. I always suspected that I was clearing some pretty decent mileage. There you have it.

Halfway through the wandering, moseying along on the East Side, I stopped off at a familiar taco place and ordered up the daily special, “puerco adobo.” While it wasn’t as good as I recall, for the price, the quantity, and the substance? Worked like a charm. Tasty stuff, in the middle of warm afternoon, brilliant blue sky, almost cool out, the thermometer at the bank said it was 95 degrees. Me? I hardly broke a sweat. I think the bank building was wrong.

While I was behind the old power plant, I came across a scene from nature, there was this one, lonesome cricket, hopping across the hot sidewalk. Suddenly, a jay swooped down and carried it off. Tasty morsel. I was going to note that image and work it into a scope, but I’m not sure how that would play out. Saturn as the jay? No, that would be Mercury as the jay. Who would be the hapless cricket? Maybe a Scorpio?

Ma Wetzel left town in hurry with an injured wing. Or something. I had to call and let her know that I was worried, and I thought she needed to see a heart specialist right away. She was amused at my concern because I had taken a simple ailment and compounded its consequences by a factor of ten, just like she is wont to do.

“Never let the facts get in the way of a…”

Good story: Ben Elton’s High Society. I picked it up, obviously, on the other side of the pond. I finally finished reading it last night. Funny story. Poltics. Plus, there’s that ear for language, and I’m sure, that this is just another funny piece of satire and whimsey that will never crack the American market. The settings, the actions, the heavy British accents just don’t make it across too well.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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