Upward, onward

Upward, onward.

Or like that link from this week’s scope? “On the road again”?

Mixing up some music, I was wondering if it was just totally uncalled for to have Robert Earl Keen, nominally country, next to Rob Zombie? Both start with Rob? Here’s the weird part, REK was classified as a “blues,” whereas Zombie was “metal.” And what’s with calling the Sex Pistols alternative? But it’s up and off to a red-eye to El Paso.

Back to the road, I was thinking about the topic of what I do for my weekend job, as card reader, chart reader, whatever we’re called these days….

One of the residents at Shady Acres stopped by the other evening. She works at the Capital. She has lots and lots of dirt. And she gets readings from me from time to time. “It’s like a hobby, you know?” She enjoys my wit, style, and relative accuracy, as far as she’s concerned.

“When you’re good, you’re just amazing.”

And when I’m off? At least I’m entertaining. She was going to make an attempt to see me last weekend – she’d forgotten that I was going to be working – and she showed up, but I was busy every time she tried to get to me.

So, she started asking me about ethics. You know, I’m just working this from the wrong angle; it’s that simple. I don’t do any up-sale.

The line she heard made us both laugh, but it’s one that I just can’t bring myself to try:

“You have a curse on you, and I can remove it for $$$ dollars.”

I looked at her, laughed, and complained that I can’t do that. Them I got a crooked grin, “But for $10,000 dollars, I’d be able to rid you of your curse.”

What bothers me, is that there are still people who fall for that. Every time. Apparently. It’s like junk e-mail – I wouldn’t keep getting it if someone wasn’t responding and sending money.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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