When it’s raining?

Just as an observation, I think it’s really hard to get out of bed.

The gentle sound of rain on a tin roof, obvious musical allusion to a Kevin Fowler tune, the door to the patio open, gentle breezes, I mean, I just didn’t want to get up. Even the cat decided she wasn’t that hungry, as I was warm place to be.

But I did get up and I did finish up a round of horoscopes and I did slide out the door to take care of business. I had watch, a rare heirloom, which I’ve been meaning to get fixed. Just the band’s broken, missing a small link, but the brand name and the age of the watch, I just knew it would cost a lot to get it repaired.

$15, that’s all they charged me at the swank, upscale, downtown jewelry store. I was anticipating digging out a credit card and trying to figure which card wasn’t too near its limit. But along with the paltry bill, there came a sales push. Diamond earrings for her? Only $500.

The sales and repair guy, though, he was pretty cool, he kept asking if he was being too pushy. Which reminded me, I’m just not pushy enough.

And that’s a problem, but I can’t get all worked up to close a deal with a client. Just not my style. You want it? (start advertising tag) I got it. (advertising tag over) Simple as that.

On the way home, I stopped off to cash in a lucky lottery ticket, 3 out of 6. No big millions, but it was enough to cover another lottery ticket, a big drink, and a hotlink. Savory and tasty, maybe not too nutritious, but who cares?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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