Laundry & stuff

Jerry Springer: the Opera (official soundtrack) was running. I spent several hours toiling with a “year in review” piece, but it just wasn’t going anywhere. As I was folding the laundry, hanging up both shirts, I just started to throw the clean clothes back into the suitcase.

Off on Friday for El Paso.

The road – the real road for work – beckons unto me. Yeah, well, something like that.

I spent the afternoon then into the evening, sitting a coffee shop, first chatting, then doing a longish reading. One of those weird, meandering, and-I-know-I-missed-some-points type of reading. But after two big latte things, I was in the mode of chatter. Plus I came across a chart point that I’ve just passed through myself, one of those transits that is unsettling, disturbing, and rather weird. Play some spooky music white boy.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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