Snarled lines

I was “practicing casting” along the riverside, and neighbor ambled up to chat with me. Management issue, and I’m not management. Nor am I management material. Nor, for that matter, did I much care, as I was busy “practicing.”

Which lead to a snarled mess as I’d just spooled up some new twine on the old pole, and talking can be a distraction. So I carried the pole back to the trailer, and set about trimming off the snarled mess. I finally gave up, and there was a little break in the weather, so I went back to practicing.

Eventually, I gave it all up when I realized it had started to rain pretty hard.

So I showered up, dragged out some nice, clean clothes and got dressed up for dinner.

“Oh Kramer, you’ll love this. The Democrats are always a freak show,” my Virgo hostess assured me.

(She works for a Democrat and votes Democrat, I might add.)

Of course, being Virgo and all, she was right.

I also figure some of the points being made, rather evocatively by the speakers, most notably Sen. Kennedy, were a tad strange next to the items in the silent auction, and the raffle prize – tickets were $75 – an 8-day trip to Paris. Folks at the table chuckled, “They have a Four Seasons Hotel in Paris, Texas?”

As summary, my Virgo neighbor pointed out that the event started late, ended late, and wasn’t particularly well-organized.

Will Rogers, the sage observer of humanity, from Oklahoma, once observed, “I’m a member of no organized political party – I’m a Democrat.”

Or, as my Virgo buddy quoted in Spanish, a quote I hope to steal, “siempre como un circo.”

Found this spot online:

the barcode printer: free barcode generator

And here’s the barcode:

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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