Xmas dinner

So fredlet had the nicest things to say about the family. Got her self invited to the big buffet.

This is where I had a chance to shine – really show my colors, as it were. See: a hotel buffet is a hotel buffet, whether it’s in Midland, Amarillo, Lubbock, or downtown San Francisco.

Downtown SF, and the family? It was a special buffet. I got on into the long line, fetching up my first of a half-dozen plates, and I noticed sushi. Yeah baby, yee-haw. Raw fish.

Sister comes rushing over, “Kramer, Kramer! Look! Raw oysters!”

So, at some point, our collective behavior was amusing to the folks sitting around us. The table behind me politely inquired as to where I was from, and what it was I was enjoying so much.

“Texas. We call this stuff bait.”

I got to know that little guy working the bait counter at the buffet. I found the Surf Clam to be a little more tough than I remember it, but the tuna, mackerel, yellow tail, and lord only knows what else, was all quite good.

Life is good when you can combine crisp bacon and raw fish on the same plate.

The only item missing from a true Texas buffet was mud-bugs. No crawdads here. I mentioned that. Reminded me of the Buffet Palace, down in S. Austin. Yes sir, I’m been training for this….

But like that last trip to buffet palace, I knew when to say when. Bacon, sushi, two plates of sashimi, some roasted beef, some gingerbread and ice cream….

Coolest gift? Besides the sheer pleasure of being with family? Jerry Springer: the Opera. Yeah, it’s back, on more time. Got the CD.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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