Feast Day of Saint Anthony

Feast Day of Saint Anthony
Patron Saint of Gravediggers…

Which is probably what I looked like, after I spent a gorgeous afternoon sliding around on the muddy banks of the creek. Took a nap and then short hike to Sandy’s for the Saturday night special. (Burger, fries, medium drink, $2.59)

Bubba Sean joined me, and it looked warm enough when we left, but I froze as the north wind howled down after the sun set.

Some[/ur> kind of interview. I’ve seen Matt at SXSW several times. Alpha geek. I tend to use his MeFi as source for weird links.

Ethical question – but it’s one I’ve been on both sides of. I’ve answered e-mail sitting in bar, sitting in a coffee shop, sitting at the airport waiting to fly to some forsaken destination (usually in Texas), and I’ve answered from remote locations, close to the Artic Circle, and sitting on the Gulf Coast.

I’ve also sat in and watched while a (big-name) DJ recorded a distant set. Radio stations must like that, a four-hour evening shift took about half an hour to tape. It is weird hearing the DJ say, “It’s midnight so I’m out of here,” and then we had some breakfast – mid-morning – at Magnolia.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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